It’s OK for Parents to Ask for Support With Their Mental Health

mom and dad playing with kids at home

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Temporary lifestyle changes brought on by COVID-19 are perhaps starting to feel less temporary as we enter another month of the pandemic. If you’re a parent who is working from home while also trying to homeschool your kids this year, your stress level is likely reaching a high. And you’re not alone. But the good news is there are resources and support to help you start feeling more in control.

Mental Health Strategies for Parents

Right now, moms and dads across the globe are feeling the pressure of trying to be a loving, helpful parent while simultaneously meeting deadlines and taking Zoom calls.

You probably didn’t set out to be a parent, a teacher, a working professional and a time management expert simultaneously. If the stress and pressure is impacting your mental health, know that it’s OK to ask for help. In order to be the best parent you can be, try strategies to bring positivity and clarity to your mental health.

  1. Celebrate success. Did your family have a balanced meal? Did you make a deadline? Big or small, celebrate wins and highlight positive moments.
  2. Repel “mom/dad guilt” Do you have friend or acquaintances who you feel are judgmental to your parenting methods? Is the news making you feel guilty for the way you’re leading your family? Be mindful of this and limit the negativity where you can.
  3. Set boundaries and expectations. Be realistic and forgive yourself for anything that may not go perfectly. Try to guide your day in a flexible, positive light.
  4. Take time for yourself. Perhaps after the kids go to bed, you can take a few minutes for a bath or walk around the block.

Support When You Need It

When you begin to feel overwhelmed or confused by certain emotions, allow yourself to process through those thoughts. Try the strategies above to find some relief. You can also find mental health support from us at AdventHealth, as well as a number of free resources.

We’re dedicated to making it easy to get the support you need, whether it's talking to a counselor, staying informed or seeing a doctor from home.

Each of these mental health resources is free, confidential, available in multiple languages and here for everyone:


This is an essential service that connects people to expert social services support in the local area. Trained specialists are available at any time to assist people with mental health crises, referral services, essential needs and disaster assistance.

Phone: Call or text 211
Available 24/7

Crisis Text Line

The Crisis Text Line is here for you if you’re experiencing any kind of emotional or mental crisis. It’s a convenient option if you’d rather not or are unable to talk on the phone, and you can connect with a trained crisis counselor in under five minutes, in most cases.

Phone: Text HOME to 741741
Available 24/7

National Alliance on Mental Illness HelpLine

The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) HelpLine is a peer-support service that’s available to anyone. This line is staffed with trained volunteers who can answer your questions, offer support and provide practical next steps for you — no matter what kind of mental health crisis you’re facing.

Phone: Call1-800-950-NAMI (6264)
Available Monday through Friday, from 10 am to 6 pm

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline offers free, confidential support to anyone in emotional distress, including from suicidal thoughts. They offer both phone calls and online chatting with trained crisis counselors who can help you through a crisis.

Phone: Call1-800-273-8255
Website:, or to chat, visit
Available 24/7

SAMHSA Disaster Distress Helpline

This helpline is from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, a national organization dedicated to helping people with substance use disorders and mental health conditions. You can reach trained crisis counselors on this line at any time if you’re experiencing emotional distress from a natural or human-caused disaster, including infectious diseases like COVID-19.

Phone: Call1-800-985-5990, or text 66746 to text with a counselor
Available 24/7

We’re here for you every step of the way as we continue to face the challenge of COVID-19. Find additional resources and information on the Coronavirus Resource Hub.

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