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Volunteer of the Month – Claudia Britus


As a 1908 Ambassador, Claudia Britus has been able to be a huge resource to AdventHealth’s family of employees. It’s through volunteers such as Claudia that AdventHealth can financially assist individuals with urgent needs. We are excited to honor Claudia as our Volunteer of the Month for July.

Claudia is currently the Director of Patient Access and Executive Director and Administrator for AdventHealth Hospice Care Central Florida. She got involved with the 1908 Society when someone from AdventHealth Foundation Central Florida thought it would be a good fit for her to be an Ambassador. Thankfully, she agreed to become an Ambassador and has been a huge blessing to our organization ever since.

Being an Ambassador has allowed Claudia the opportunity to educate AdventHealth staff about programs including the Hope Fund, and how the 1908 Society is helping our community. Through these interactions, Claudia has been able to direct people to a place where help can be received.

“I am grateful for the 1908 Society because it has allowed our staff to advocate for our patients and help relieve some of their financial burden so families can focus on what's most important, caring for their loved one. Being in a position where I can lead change and truly impact an employee, patient or family has made me proud to represent the 1908 Society as an ambassador.

Thank you, Claudia, for your dedication to impacting lives as a 1908 Ambassador. Your generosity provides AdventHealth Foundation Central Florida the ability to serve our employees well!

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