World-Class Care Fueled by Giving
Patients Benefited -
Facilities Supported -
Annual Donors -
Countries Served
Who dollars help
We are committed to providing hope and healing in Central Florida and beyond to patients, families, and even our own team members in need. Inside and outside of our four walls we also serve on a global level to extend the healing ministry of Christ.
Who gives back
Generosity is provided by individual donors, grateful patients, partnering foundations, corporate companies and local businesses through one-time or monthly giving, planned giving, pledges, and through fundraising events.
How Dollars Help

The Financial Assistance fund supports patients as well as employees who find themselves in a sudden, unexpected financial emergency.

AdventHealth conducts hundreds of clinical trials that are becoming tomorrow’s standard of care. Many trials need our community’s support to increase funding efforts and help patients in their most critical time.

The Foundation supports music, pet and yoga therapy along with our child life program, clinical programs in all areas of the hospital, and survivor and patient support groups at AdventHealth.

AdventHealth caregivers rely on the foundation to fill a margin of excellence with world renowned technology and equipment so they can provide necessary, whole-person care.

To further our teams brightest medical minds, we’re committed to supporting their growth as well as providing patients with educational wellness programs.

The need to care for AdventHealth patients and support our caregivers in the mission to extend the healing ministry of Christ is our top priority. This can be accomplished in a variety of ways as growing patient needs evolve.
A message from our President and CEO
AdventHealth Foundation President, Central Florida Division, David Collis thanks our donors.
Areas of Impact
Thank You to Our Donors
These donors have blessed AdventHealth with an outpouring of generosity. On behalf of those who have been touched by the gifts of our community, thank you.
- Legacy Patrons
These donors have a lifetime of giving totaling more than $5 million. They’re recognized as Legacy Patrons here and in the lobby of our AdventHealth Orlando campus.
William T. and Aura W. Bland
Bainum Family Foundation
Walt Disney World Company
The Alan Ginsburg Family Foundation
Anthony and Sonja Nicholson
Winter Park Health Foundation - Philanthropists
These donors have a lifetime of giving above $1 million. They’re recognized as Philanthropists here and in the lobby of our Orlando campus.
The Rita and Jeffrey Adler Foundation
AGFA Healthcare
Homer N. Allen
The Martin Andersen - Gracia Andersen Foundation, Inc.
Holler-Classic Automotive Group/The Juliette Holler Family
The Dale E. and Cheryl Bartch Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Brasfield & Gorrie, LLC
Edyth Bush Charitable Foundation
The Bush Family
Estate of Louisa B. Bussing
The Chatlos Foundation, Inc.
Stephen J. Cloobeck
Crothall Healthcare
Des and Mary Lou Cummings
John and Eleanor Davis
William C. Demetree, Jr. Foundation, Inc.
Wayne Densch Charities, Inc.
Diamond Resorts International
Dr. Phillips Charities
Ingeborg C. Ellzey
FEP of Team Health
Eunice Fuller Family, LLP
Elizabeth Morse Genius Foundation, Inc.
Chick and Lisa Gregg
Dr. and Mrs. Ben and Margaret Guedes
Trina Hidalgo
William and Jean Iles
Beat and Jill Kahli/Avalon Park Group Management
Kids Beating Cancer, Inc.
Richard Macsherry
Richard B. Meyers
Elinor & T.W. Miller, Jr. Foundation, Inc.
Media Networks International
Mildred Overstreet Trust
Dr. Jogi and Dr. Annapurna Pattisapu
Anthony and Debi Rossi
Runway To Hope and The NeJame Family
Dr. Irfan Siddiqui
Stryker Endoscopy
SunTrust Bank of Central Florida, N.A.
Sam and Marlys Swope
Frank and Diane Torchia
USAP Florida
Richard and Lucille Verdu
Al and Brea Weiss
Peter and Linnae Williams - Humanitarians
These donors have a lifetime of giving from $500,000 to $1 million. They’re recognized as Humanitarians here and in the lobby of our AdventHealth Orlando campus.
AmeriTeam Services, LLC
Darrell Armstrong Foundation for Premature Babies, Inc.
The Batchelor Foundation, Inc.
Joseph and Karen Bierer
Robert and Helen Cairns
Beverly B. Cannon
Carsue Distribution
Kenneth H. Cisney and Thelma F. Cisney Memorial Fund
David and Gena Collis
Derek and Nalani Cummings
The Richard and Helen DeVos Foundation
Florida Association of Free and Charitable Clinics
The Galloway Foundation
Glaxo Wellcome, Inc.
GrayRobinson, PA
Heart of Florida United Way, Inc.
Lars and Julie Houmann
HuntonBrady Architects, PA
The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc.
Annie Dempster Kyle Estate
Hymen and Harriett Lake
Susan B. Levy Trust
Irene Manning
Joseph Markoly
NuSI Nutrition Science Initiative
Orlando Magic Youth Foundation
Orosz Family Foundation
Thomas and Selby Prince
James and Alexis Pugh, Jr.
Leo and Shirley Reuter
Robins & Morton Group
Marla Santos Silliman
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Sherman
William Silliman
Sprint-Florida, Inc.
Eva Striplin
Stryker Corporation
Valencia College
S & Z Vyas Charitable Foundation LLC
Dr. Zabunnissa and Mr. Suryakant Vyas
Allen Woolridge
Kitty L. Wrenn
Ziegler Capital Markets - Visionaries
These donors have a lifetime of giving from $250,000 to $500,000. They’re recognized as Visionaries here and in the lobby of our AdventHealth Orlando campus.
Accredited Surety & Casualty Co., Inc./The Jallad and Snow Families
Amistad International
Ardmore Institute of Health
AT&T Business Systems, Inc.
Baldwin-Fairchild Cemeteries & Funeral Homes
Michael and Joan Benedetto
Dr. and Mrs. Willard H. Boardman
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
Colin Burgess
In Honor of Clint Carrico
CDF Real Estate, LLC
Celebration Seventh-day Adventist Church
Central Florida Pathology Associates, PA
Cerner Corporation
Charity Challenge, Inc.
Coastal Mechanical Services
The Community Foundation, Inc.- Jacksonville
Comprehensive Energy Services, Inc.
Creation Development Foundation, Inc.
Cushman & Wakefield of Florida, Inc.
Earl Davenport
Joseph T. Davey, Jr. Trust
Athina C. Dever
Daniel and Jackie Devine
Timothy and Julianne Dwyer
Vivian C. Esch
Radiology Specialists of Florida
The FINFROCK Family of Companies
First Union National Bank/Wachovia
Florida Blue Foundation
Fraternal Order of Eagles, Grand Aerie
Kevin and Kristine Gowen
Grower, Ketcham, Rutherford, Bronson, Eide and Telan
The Haleski Foundation
Harper Limbach, LLC
The William Randolph Hearst Foundations
Estate of Philip G. Hertz
Johnny and Diana Holloway
Eric and Diane Holm
Stella and Gerald B. Hubbell, Sr.
Just In Queso Foundation
W. K. Kellogg Foundation
Dr. Jules Klein
Little Diversified Architectural Consulting, Inc.
Robert and Midge Lloyd
Robert and Julie Mandell
Market Traders Institute, Inc.
Gerard and Lisa Mastrianni
The Meffe Family
Merrill Lynch
Herman and Quilvie Mills
Moran Kidd Lyons Johnson & Berkson, PA
Thomas P. and Jeanne L. Moran Foundation
Todd and Shelley Morgan, Sr.
Jack and June Nelson/Nelson Investment Planning Services
Dr. and Mrs. Peter C. Nelson
Dr. and Mrs. Scott C. Nelson
North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists
Orlando Magic, Ltd.
Osteopathic Foundation of East Orlando
Rose Parapiglia
Parkinson Association of Central Florida
The Pepsi Bottling Group, Inc.
William and Margaret Punches
Paul and Gina Rice
RLF Architecture, Interiors & Engineering
Roche Laboratories, Inc.
Henry Roth
SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment
Alfonso Serrato
Siemens AG
Siemens Energy, Inc.
Jan and Daisy Staniszkis
William A. Steele, MD; The Steele and Widmer Families
Dolores Stephens
Dr. and Mrs. Louis Stern
Jeffrey and Alicia Sweeney
Track Shack of Orlando
Triad Isotopes
University of Florida
Robert Vander Weide
H. J. “Butch” and Karen von Weller and their Family
Melissa Vosburg, Inc.
Leonard and Marjorie Williams
Znetix - In Memory Donations
Gifts received in memory of Richard D. Abraham
Mary Abraham
Gifts received in memory of Juan L. Aguiar Muxella
Ana Aguiar Ramirez
Gifts received in memory of Betty J. Alexy
Thomas Alexy
Gifts received in memory of Hugo Angeles
Jessy Rosano
Gifts received in memory of Joan Applebaum
Sandra Applebaum
Gifts received in memory of Tulio Naranjo Arango
Gifts received in memory of
John Arend
Gifts received in memory of Hubert Arnold
Sandy Arnold
Gifts received in memory of Charles Ashdown
Nancy Ashdown
Gifts received in memory of Toni Assael
Suellen Blackford
Dave Cannon
Adele Guth
Mona Lee‑Yuan
Jon Perl
Peter and Frances Weldon
Gifts received in memory of Toni Assael
Stephanie Wolmer
Gifts received in memory of Ronald Bach
Catherine Bach
Gifts received in memory of Sue Bailey
Cliff Morris
Gifts received in memory of Brandon Baker
Sharon Darinzo
Anne and Kenneth Fowble
Gifts received in memory of Patoy Bann
Sara Sullivan
Gifts received in memory of Blanca Barada
Jorge Hernandez
Gifts received in memory of Sam Barnes
Susan Barnes
Gifts received in memory of Gary Barnett
Shirley Barnett
Gifts received in memory of Rita H. Barr
Kenny Barr
Gifts received in memory of Frank W. Bashore
Rose Bashore
Gifts received in memory of Joseph Alex Bednarczyk
Rose Bashore
Gifts received in memory of Frank & Eva Bele
Frank and Lucille Bele
Gifts received in memory of Sally A. Bellanca
Carl and Suzanne Engelmeier
Lorraine Thacker
Gifts received in memory of Virginia P. Bennett
Walter Bennett
Gifts received in memory of Seth Beyrooti
Monica Beyrooti
Gifts received in memory of Beverly Blackwell
Katie Einselen
Gifts received in memory of Michael Blair
Beverly Petersen
Gifts received in memory of Janet Blampain
Frank Blampain
Gifts received in memory of Hugh Bleddyn
Karen Bleddyn
Gifts received in memory of Herbert Blitch
Myrtle Blitch
Gifts received in memory of Peter and Nina Boano
Gifts received in memory of Luigi Bojan
Claire Bojan
Gifts received in memory of Eugene Boleslawski
Margaret Boleslawski
Gifts received in memory of June Borden
Gifts received in memory of Arthur E. Boule
Kathryn Mosher‑Boule
Gifts received in memory of Glenda Bradham
Cesar Bradham
Gifts received in memory of Donald and Helen Bradley
Kenneth and Ruth Bradley
Gifts received in memory of Chris Brick
James Stirling
Gifts received in memory of Kathleen Brown
Brown Graphics
Gifts received in memory of Linda Bruce
Alexine Gamble‑Barr
Delia Hanks
Gifts received in memory of Mary Brumbles
Joan Osepchook
Gifts received in memory of Michael Burke
Lester Kunz
Gifts received in memory of Francine D. Burrows
Shannon Graves
Gifts received in memory of Jennifer Bush
David Crum
Michael and Christine Hinn
Laura Howley
Anthony Iannarelli
Interlachen Country Club
Rick McKinney
Alec Meade
Joni Pattock
John and Laura Riley
Andrea Salapow
Robert Santiago
Brett Sorci
Richard Stein
Valerie Szypulski
The Webb Law Firm
Rhonda Turcic
Sunny Vetter
Michele Wallace
Francine White
Gifts received in memory of Richard A. Butler
Janet Pennock
Gifts received in memory of Juan Cambero
Arelis and Andre Diaz
W.K. Kellogg Foundation
Gifts received in memory of Roger Capper
Renate Capper
Gifts received in memory of JoAnn Carroll
Michael Carroll
Gifts received in memory of Annie Carthney
Angela D’Amelio
Patricia Dioguardi
Gifts received in memory of Nancy Casale
Carolann Jones
Gifts received in memory of Albert J. Catullo
Roman De Cesar
Gifts received in memory of James Cayce
Katherene Kim
Elizabeth Powers
Erin Shaw
Gifts received in memory of Theresa A. Ceccarelli
Robert Ceccarelli
Gifts received in memory of Antoinette Chapa
Steven Chapa
Gifts received in memory of Edward Christy
Myky Barnard
Debbie Lytton
Donald and Susan Simpkins
Gifts received in memory of John Ciesko
Sam Easter
Allison Holt
Felicia Huweart
University of Virginia School of Medicine
Gifts received in honor of Janet Clark
Herbert Yates
Gifts received in memory of Janet D. Clark
Albert Clark
Mary Clark
Gifts received in memory of Jon E. Clark
Charles Franz
Gifts received in memory of Jean Clarke
Frances Clarke
Gifts received in memory of Margaret Clawson
Weegie Henry
Ruth Johnson
Gifts received in memory of Elizabeth Coglitore
Janet Gammons
Helen Plybon
Sue Skeens
Gifts received in memory of August Colbert
Jane Colbert
Gifts received in memory of Suzelle Cotnoir Miller
Margaret Cotnoir
Save Ocean Beach, Inc.
Marianne Vlaun
Gifts received in memory of Nancy Coutinho
Ronald Coutinho
Gifts received in memory of Mike Covello
Eveleen Babich
Robin Covello
Claire Devlin
Kathleen Dunn
Marian Fleece
Phyllis Hood
J. Daniel Jackman
Diana Mallon
Mary McBride
Patricia McGuinness
Debbie Perry
The Signatry
Gifts received in memory of Robert T. Creeden
Betty Creeden
Gifts received in memory of Louise Crincoli
Bryan Sanchez
Gifts received in memory of Stephen Curtis
Paddins Dowling
Gifts received in memory of Michael Dabose
Imelda Dabose
Gifts received in memory of Edwin 'Dan' Dantin
Frank Santos
Gifts received in memory of Nestor de Armas
Michele Jankanish
Eileen McCaffrey Schuman
Robert Mischke
Pattye Spezia
Gifts received in memory of Helen S. Dennett
Deborah Smith
Gifts received in memory of Susan A. Dey
William Dey
Gifts received in memory of Concetta Dickquist
Dennis Dickquist
Gifts received in memory of Mark Dixon
Dana Rocca
Gifts received in memory of Frank Doherty
Katherine Doherty
Gifts received in memory of John Dollar
Wilma H. Armenakis
Truitt Curry
Amy Grissom
Mary Rogers
Gifts received in memory of Virginia Dorries
Martha Whitten
Gifts received in memory of Brad Dougherty
Katherine Payne
Gifts received in memory of Janice Doyon
Robert Foster
Barry Welch
Gifts received in memory of Dwayne Dunbar
Antionette Lee
Gifts received in memory of Blake Eden
Tracy Simonds
Gifts received in memory of Yarina Eliason
Nicolas Eliason
Gifts received in memory of Linda Ellis
Gifts received in memory of Grady Elwell
Melanie Ararat
Lorna Beattie
Richard Beck
Robert Beveridge
Heather Bogey
David Breen
Randy and Cheryl Core
Jon and Lisa Crump
Jeff Daniels
Chandra Gavino
Angela Giattino
Jeffrey Grainger
Pamela Green
Diane Kahn
Anna Kesic
Amanda Kimmer
Sherif and Elizabeth Makar
Kathy McHugh
Greg Moreno‑Earle
Betsy Owens
Leslie Postal
Janet Reddick
Mark Schlueb
Mike Schneider
Adam Stern
Angelica Teply
Jeff and Susan Vosburg
Chris Zahra
Gifts received in memory of Laura Evans
Joann Simmons
Gifts received in memory of John Fazeina
Jeffrey Bosworth
Gifts received in memory of Shirley Felderman
Richard Felderman
Gifts received in memory of Judi Feldman
Clara Janet
Gifts received in memory of Danny Fenter
Virginia Fenter
Gifts received in memory of Mary E. Fernandez
Gay Carter
Susan Schenk
Gifts received in memory of James C. Ferris
Malin Ferris
Leighann Kelly
Gifts received in memory of Andres Figueroa
Nereida Negron
Gifts received in memory of Audrey Fitzerald
Charles Hammond
Gifts received in memory of James P. Flanagan
Melodye Flanagan
Gifts received in memory of Ruth Ford
Sarah Ford
Gifts received in memory of Margaret Fox
Mary Albright
Lynda Dunn
Margaret Stickney
Gifts received in memory of Robert W. Fox
Nancy Gohr
Melanie Grove
Emma Miller
Michael and Roberta Starks
Minoo Vaghaiwalla
Jadene Watson
Gifts received in honor of Sheila C. Fox
Michael and Roberta Starks
Gifts received in memory of Rogene Fraley
Karen Bonnell
Claudia Finehout
Sheryl Fleming
The Gensler Family
Roberta Spitz
Audra Turner
Gifts received in memory of Patricia A. Franklin
Joseph Tobens
Gifts received in memory of Edmond R. Frazier
Janice Frazier
Gifts received in memory of Mary Fullan
Maggie Ellis
Sharon Hill
Patti McDaniel
Margaret Peets
Alison Tackett
Gifts received in memory of Catherine Gallagher
Michele Fuller
Gifts received in memory of Iris M. Garcia
Carmen Garcia
David and Iris Labuda
Gifts received in memory of Charles Ghent
Patricia Ghent
Gifts received in memory of Justin Gilbert
Ruth Ann Gebhard
David Jaffe
Pamela Petersen
Gifts received in honor of Carleton Gilmour
Richard Gilmour
Gifts received in memory of Beverly Goldberg
Gene and Bernice Schwartz
Gifts received in memory of Ellyn Goldstein
Howard Goldstein
Gifts received in memory of Richard Goodsite
David Beers
Randall Goodsite
Gifts received in memory of Madeline Greene
Barbara and Richard Laronde
Gifts received in memory of Barbara Gretchko
Stephen Gretchko
Gifts received in memory of Margaret E. Griggs
Fred Griggs
Gifts received in memory of Margaret Guin
Gifts received in memory of Jeffrey Halperin
Jeffrey and Eleanor Halperin
Gifts received in memory of Anita L. Hara
Joseph Hara Charitable Trust
Gifts received in memory of Elizabeth A. Harner
Adam Alden
Raymond Alden
Gerard Debelles
Shirley Foley
Elizabeth Painter
Felicia Perkins
Mary Rummel
Gifts received in memory of Annie Grace Harris
Gifts received in memory of Harold G. Hartsock
Mary Hartsock
Gifts received in memory of James R. Hatley
Sandra Phipps
Gifts received in memory of Francis Heidrich
Rachel Heidrich
Gifts received in memory of Laura Herbert
Frank Herbert
Gifts received in memory of Elaine Hernandez
Cassandra Tubbs
James Tubbs
Gifts received in memory of Harry ' Bill" Hewson
Donny Anderson
Elizabeth Bell
Sandra Bell
Phil Cole
Colleen Creed
Sharon Davenport
Beverly Fowler
Weldon and Elizabeth Harris
Lynne Hewson
Dana Lewis
Paul Marshall
Carolyn Marzan
Tom McBrayer
Sandi Rosenzweig
Brian Russell
Cyndie Stoops
Nancy Swanson
Phil Wollenberg
Jason Workmaster
John Workmaster
Gifts received in memory of Arthur Hillman
Philip Griffith
Sally Ann Hillman
Lori Miller
Helen Tetenbaum
Gifts received in memory of Aubrey Hines
Stella Hines
Gifts received in memory of Wendy Hocevar
Mary Croswell
Lois Morin
Gifts received in memory of Stephen Homan
Steven Barber
Connie Gahnz
Steven and Christine Harding
Sandra Homan
Daniel McDonald
Dori Peoples
Katharine Smith
Audrey Wills
Kathleen Woeste
Gifts received in memory of Dana Hopkins
Brenda Hopkins
Gifts received in memory of Estelle Horton
Ruth Venters
Gifts received in memory of Irene Howe
Mary Dray
Gifts received in memory of Emma Howenstein
Edmund Howenstein
Gifts received in memory of Isabella S. Huffman
George Huffman
Gifts received in memory of David Hunt
Carol Hunt
Gifts received in memory of Frank Inciardi
John Knight
Gifts received in memory of Joe T. Ingram
Nina Ingram
Gifts received in memory of Charles Jacob
Mary Schwichtenberg
Gifts received in memory of Margaret Jacobus
Steven and Sandra Wilson
Gifts received in memory of Charles Jaeb
Bill and Becky Manooch
Patricia Russell
Gifts received in memory of Sherry Ann Jenkins
Orlando Art & Living Expo, Inc.
Gifts received in memory of Joan Yates and Twiggy
County Line Chapter‑Women of the Moose
Gifts received in memory of Margarita Johnson
Gifts received in memory of Myrra Johnson
Julie Johnson
Gifts received in memory of Teresa Miro Judges
Robert Judges
Gifts received in memory of Phyllis Kasrel
Bernice and Gene Schwartz
Gifts received in memory of Peggy Kellogg
Georgia Kellogg
Gifts received in memory of James C. Kelly
Annmarie Giltner
Gifts received in memory of Edward M. Kennedy
William Kennedy
Sharyn Larson
Gifts received in memory of Rhonda Kerns
Carol Madore
Gifts received in memory of Edgar B. King
Lois Carter
Gifts received in memory of Harold Kirkpatrick
Dawn Kirkpatrick
Gifts received in memory of Jack Klosner
Randy and Jeffrey Browner
Diane Goldstein
Frank Homburger
Evelyn Kasper
Ruby Rose
Lorraine Stewart
Martin Zoback
Gifts received in memory of George Knox
Daniel and Renee Tyler
Gifts received in memory of James Knutson
William Adams
Carol and William Avery
Debra Dukes
Jerry Knutson
Lucia Knutson
Connie Memory
Ida Vessel
Gifts received in memory of Dorothy Krech
Gifts received in memory of Irene Carol Kubovic
Janice Gage
Victoria Layton
Joan Patrick
Gifts received in memory of Albert Lawrence Land
Ronald and Patricia Peterson
Gifts received in memory of Betty H Land
Suzanne Larkin
Gifts received in memory of Jay Laurin
Deer Creek RV Golf & Country Club Community Inc
Gifts received in memory of Jan S. Lautzker
Phyllis Redler
Gifts received in memory of Debra Lee
Jerald Lee
Gifts received in memory of Lynn L. Leitner
Jacquelyn McBride
Gifts received in memory of George H. Lewis
Cathy Lindner
Sandra Manship
Gifts received in memory of Margaret Jo Lewis
Lydia Copeland
Terri Grace
Ashley Grahek
Bobbie Johnson
Lindsey Thigpen
Marion L. Lightbown
Gifts received in memory of Marion L. Lightbourn
Michael and Susan Tolar
Gifts received in memory of Glenn Lindsay
Barbara Cordaro
Gifts received in memory of Robert Lindsay
Barbara Cordaro
Gifts received in memory of Lucy Harvey Little
Murrah, Doyle and Wigle, PA
Gifts received in memory of Randle C Little
Deborah Guthrie
Janice Komives
Gordon and Catharine Knapp
Gifts received in memory of Paul Long
Nancy Seidner
Gifts received in memory of Dora J. Luxemburger
Annmarie Corrello
Gifts received in memory of Joyce MacDonald
Dora Meredith
Gifts received in honor of Linda Kay Maier
Linda and Henry Fishkind
Gifts received in memory of John Major
Jane Major
Gifts received in memory of Diane Manzi
D. W. Perkins
Gifts received in memory of Dru Markis
Gifts received in memory of Aileen Marmetschke
Discovery World Furniture
Andy Juster
Gary Moller
Scott Pilato
Gifts received in memory of Mal Martin
Mary Jo Martin
Gifts received in memory of Robert May
Melinda May
Gifts received in memory of Charles McAllister
Sueann Chester
Gifts received in memory of Terry Ray McCamie
Mark Berkins
Jennifer Farrell
Vallerie Hawes
Derek Ragan
Gifts received in memory of Joe B. McCawley
Barrister Law Firm
Gifts received in memory of Rosa Lee McCoy
Ethel Robinson
Gifts received in memory of Theodore McDonald
Cornelia Mcdonald
Gifts received in memory of William and Joan McDonough
Christopher McDonough
Gifts received in memory of Lilli McGlynn
Ed McGlynn
Gifts received in memory of Elaine McGrath
Joan Galfo
James Nesper
Mary Pirc
Steven Venable
Roy and Sandra Walters
Gifts received in memory of Betty Lou McGuckin
Jenna Balek
Harold Bambrick
Nadav Franco
Hinda Goldman
Vanessa Loayza
Hugh McGuckin
Sandy Palkovic
Steven Wallner
Gifts received in memory of Patricia McKendall
Benjamin McKendall, Jr.
Gifts received in memory of John D. McKenna
Christel Mckenna
Bettie Powell
Gifts received in memory of James A. McLeod
Lucretia McLeod
Gifts received in memory of Martin McMahon
Grace Reeber
Gifts received in memory of Paul T. Megivern
Kathleen Megivern
Lynn Megivern
Gifts received in memory of Dorothy Mellinger
Franklin Mellinger
Gifts received in memory of Ricardo Mendez
Wanda Mendez‑Vega
Gifts received in memory of Stuart Preston Merrick
Betty Merrick
Gifts received in memory of Greta Meves
David Meves
Gifts received in memory of Charles A. Meyer
Joan Ruffier
Gifts received in memory of Beatrice Michalski
Gene Desrosiers
Gifts received in memory of Samira Mikhael
Marianne Ibraheem
Gifts received in memory of Gene C. Miller
Mark and Elizabeth Winton
Gifts received in memory of George Milligan
Juliet Milligan
Gifts received in memory of Donna Minard
Paul Minard
Gifts received in memory of John Minch
Craig Spiewak
Gifts received in memory of Bob Moon
Annette Moon
Gifts received in memory of Barbara Jo Morehead
Elizabeth M Rash
Gifts received in memory of Michael Moriarty
James Cooksey
Norma Cooksey
Michele Moriarty
Gifts received in memory of R. Max Morrison
Leah Morrison
Gifts received in memory of Eileen Murphy
Sean Barden
Alice‑Ann Cook
Shirley Insoft
Carl Spease
Gifts received in memory of Michael Neal
Jeanine Woods
Gifts received in memory of LaRue Nooney
Michelle Nooney
Gifts received in memory of Alexander Nweze
Felicia Nweze
Gifts received in memory of Brian O'Brian
Gifts received in memory of Timothy O'Hey
John O'Hey
Gifts received in memory of Patricia Osley
Kimberly Ford
Cynthia Osley
Lois Stuenkel
Gifts received in memory of Rafael Pagan
Sonia Pagan
Gifts received in memory of Bernice Parise
Debbie Hovland
Mary Jo Krasaway
Michael Mohar
William Parise
Elizabeth Pond
Gifts received in memory of Donald Parrish
West Point Association of Graduates, USMA
Gifts received in memory of Stephen Paul
Gerald Alferio
Gifts received in memory of Edward E. Pavuk
Vilma Pavuk
Gifts received in memory of Jonnie Payne
Victoria Hampton
Gifts received in memory of Charles and Marilyn Pedone
Sean Pedone
Gifts received in memory of Christina Pendleton
Rosemary Stankovich
Gifts received in memory of Doreen Penfield
Sharon Brown
Gifts received in memory of Ruth Penfield
Sharon Brown
Gifts received in memory of Susan Perkins
Sara Wakefield
Gifts received in memory of Pasqualina Perrone
Jack Constantin
Gifts received in memory of JoAnne Persons
Mark and Abigail Batia
Wen Ling Blom
Polly Bloom
Carol Brinati
Gretl Collins
Laurie Friedman
Mary Greene
Denise Kaiser
Michelle Lohmeyer
Harvey and Carol Massey
Chris Owens
Kathy Pierson
Gail Polk
Sarah Reymann
Harvey Ward
Gifts received in memory of Gayle Peterson McNair
Joel and Winifred Sharp, Jr.
Gifts received in memory of Howard R. Phillips
Marilyn Phelps
Gifts received in memory of Steven Pierre
Sharon Ruff
Gifts received in memory of Lois A. Pierwsza
Susan McNamara
Thomas and Lou Ann McNamara
Gifts received in memory of David Pins
Joseph and Susan Warren
Gifts received in memory of Christine Pisani
Dawn Bomer
Ed Dudek
Lorilynn Guida‑Baxter
Lisa Locascio
Brian Posner
Charlene Strong
Gifts received in memory of Patricia W. Plank
Lawrence Plank
Gifts received in memory of Robert and Lucille Plantz
Linda and Richard Moffa
Gifts received in memory of Joseph O. Portoghese
Genevieve Iacovazzi
Kurt Wood
Gifts received in memory of Tyrone Powell
Yulonda Powell
Gifts received in memory of Eleanor D. Pratt
Pratt Family Foundation
Samuel Pratt
Gifts received in memory of Mary Jo Rabb
Lucy Ciolli
Dawn and Steve Creft
Patti Gasbarro
Lola Parsons
Charles Radich
Wendy Sanders
Gifts received in memory of Vishwanath Ramdass
Sylvia Ramdass
Gifts received in memory of Dorothy Ramsdell
Lori Brown
Marian Hynes
Gifts received in memory of Mary Lou Ramsey
Betty Rettig
Gifts received in memory of Teresa Rausch
Susan Brown
George Freelove
Mary Harris
Susan Harris
Matt Jolly
Suzanne K
Loretta Luby
Anita Mangan
Bill McCurry
Christine Nagel
Michael and Teresa Rausch
Joseph and Susan Warren
Gifts received in memory of Bettye Reagan
Patricia and Thomas Armstrong
Kay Hamby
Gifts received in memory of Margaret M. Reed
Barbara Sher
Gifts received in memory of Reynaldo A. Reyes
Kris Abell
Michael Ammerman
Jill Brown
Mark Cappucci
Brian Connell
Richard Hampson
Melinda Helfst
Keith Kwiatkowski
Yamir Lopez
Alan Moskowitz
Theresa Palmer
Miguel Santiago
Rebecca Scheper
Aaron Smith
Linda Thomas
Gifts received in memory of Nancy J. Rhode
Raymond Rhode
Gifts received in memory of Greg Richards
John Braxton
Colebrook Academy Class of 67
Ray and Lyn Hammond
Candis Scaccia
Gifts received in memory of Marilyn Rivell
Howard and Judi Hawkins
Carol Ann Wentzell
Gifts received in memory of Gerald D. Robison
Corwin and Daisy Robison
Gifts received in memory of Ruth Roblee
Anne Matkovics
Imre Matkovics
Thomas Roblee
Gifts received in memory of Stanley Rodak
Richard Gilmour
Gifts received in memory of Maria C. Rodriguez
Carlos Rodriguez
Gifts received in memory of John Rogan
Eileen Rogan
Gifts received in memory of Larry Romano
Joseph Romano
Gifts received in memory of Amanda Rothwell
Ron Rothwell
Gifts received in memory of Carole Rudulph
Lydia and Larry Bishop
Gifts received in memory of John M. "Mike" Rundle
Douglas and Kathleen Rundle
Gifts received in memory of Billie and Roger Salie
Randy and Karen Almond
Norm Cote
Gifts received in memory of Earl Sapp
Gifts received in memory of Robert Satterlee
Dawn Satterlee
Gifts received in memory of Joan K. Scheinblum
Allan Scheinblum
Gifts received in memory of Merrill Schrimscher
Donnie Bryd
Sylvia Culp
Joan Durs
Colleen Dzurino
Cindy Lewis
Nancy Lewis
Eric Martin
Royal Weld and Mfg., LTD
Linda Spangler
Dona Stallings
John and Terri Tillman
Michael Udvari
Gifts received in memory of Jane Schutt
Alison Schutt
Gifts received in memory of Richard Schutt
Sandra Schutt
Gifts received in memory of Linda Schwab
Grant Salsibury
Rodney Schwab
Gifts received in memory of Hubert Sears
Nick Breedlove
Stanley Dubiel
Jacquelyn Perotti
David Steakley
Gifts received in memory of Zac Seltzer
Robyn Persaud
Gifts received in memory of John Sherry
Pamela Sherry
Gifts received in memory of May Phoenix Shill
Eleanor Shill
Gifts received in memory of Brad Shillingford
Amber Shillingford
Gifts received in memory of Beatrice Sims
Karen Lawson
Gifts received in memory of Victor Sirbu
Catherine Holland
Michael Sanders
Steven Williams
Gifts received in memory of James Slohm
Carrie Adams
Barbara Falldorf
Jalynn Gerber
Jane Grace
Kimberly Ho
Marlene Samuel
Jeff Stone
Gary Tietjen
Gifts received in memory of Ida Smothers
Rose Thomas
Gifts received in memory of Nuria Solis
Ileana Naranjo
Gifts received in memory of Charlene Sorrentino
Robyn Hermann
Gifts received in memory of Valentin Sosnowsky
Ulyses Torres Calvo
Gifts received in memory of Winifried Spaulding
Lena Marklein
Gifts received in memory of Eleanor Spence
Muriel Morton
Gifts received in memory of Lillian Spille
Kathy Fedell
Gifts received in memory of Lisa Spinetti
Greg Spinetti
Gifts received in memory of George Spinney, Jr.
Tracey Longstreth
Gifts received in memory of Diane Squires
John Peschau
Gifts received in memory of Thomas Staley
Sharon Cox
Zellwin Farms Company
Gifts received in memory of Mary Ellen Staub
Constance E Brand Trust
Gifts received in memory of Carmen Stein
Billy Bonilla
Antonio Findaza
Janet Fox
Robert Hein
Dick and Jane Homann
Ronald Stein
Gifts received in memory of Von Stimpson
Glen Stimpson
Gifts received in memory of Elias Stoumbos
Karen Francoforte
Gifts received in memory of Christopher Stroh
Letty Azar
Bassford Remele Law Firm
Sam and Margot Carr
Michelle Choice
Commonwealth Charitable Fund
Elise R. Donohue Charitable Trust
Fiduciary Counseling, Inc.
Karen Grabow
Gina Hieber
Brianna Lohman
Caroline Parthum
Sue Simcox
Mark Tuttle
Gifts received in memory of Richard Stroup
Veronica Hasbrouck
Gifts received in memory of James Svetich
Barbara Svetich
Gifts received in memory of Richard L. Swann
Patty Swann
Gifts received in memory of Margaret Swatts
Roy Swatts
Gifts received in memory of Paul Swope
Sherry Burns
Marilyn Smith
Gifts received in memory of Julio Tapanes
Cyndi Cardinale
Carol Hackett
Nick Haves
Jay Turner
Gifts received in memory of Peter M. Taulbee
Joseph Hurt
Gifts received in memory of Claude Taylor
Brenda Taylor
Gifts received in memory of Phyllis Taylor
Bev Coble
Joyce Hundley
Gifts received in memory of Dorothy Teolis
Lorel Eugene Teolis
Gifts received in memory of Joanne Davis Thorpe
Rebecca Mullikin
Gifts received in memory of Raymond J. Tobin
MaryLou Tobin
Gifts received in memory of Marilyn Townsend
Elizabeth Duncan
Gifts received in memory of Mark Callis Tripp
Kristin Darlison
Gifts received in memory of Cecilla Vanderbout
Janet Black
John Black
Joseph Black
Kathleen Bogaski
Mary Woodworth
Gifts received in memory of Flora Vickers
Colin Vickers
Gifts received in memory of Janice Voll
Leslie Voll
Gifts received in memory of Thomas B. Vroman
Mary Cervenka
Gifts received in memory of Scott Wasmund
Charlotte Wasmund
Gifts received in memory of Mary F. Watkins
William and Cindy Galloway
Gifts received in memory of Wilton James Weaver
Maxine Barton
Gifts received in memory of Grace Weite
Laura Hoskin
Silbermann Family
Gifts received in memory of Thelma Wells
William Parker
Gifts received in memory of Katherine White
Anna Delarot
Gifts received in memory of Charles Wilhelm
Judith Wilhelm
Gifts received in memory of Grace Wilkins
Alan Wilkins
Gifts received in memory of William A. Wilkinson
Marian Stewart
Shirley Wilkinson
Gifts received in memory of Linda Williams
Stephen Bailey
Susan Funk
Gifts received in memory of Russell Scott Williams
Deb Barr
Marion Dickerman
Rebecca Dumes
Peggy Marlette
Virgil Morar
Daryl Osbahr
Gifts received in memory of Roy E. Winegar
Susan Winegar
Gifts received in memory of Betty M. Wolf
Stephen and Elaine Kessinger
Gifts received in memory of Dallas Wolford
Margaret Paugh
Gifts received in memory of John R. Woods
Diane Woods
Gifts received in memory of Stuart Wunsh
Janet Livingston
Gifts received in honor of Dennis Zavett
Peter Beren
Alan Blitz
Linda Bradley
Rachel Bradley
Lauren Brenner
Dianne Cartagenova
Bud Dare
Carol Digregorio
Kelly Doyle
Larry and Kathy Eppstein
David Gellerman
Shana Gerber
Glenn Goldenhorn
Jennifer Goldstein
Jessica Gonzalez‑Wagner
Alana Green
Jared Green
Michael Green
David Hack
Marika Hahn
Samantha Hahn
Marcia Harris
Alexander Hernandez
Meredith Hudson
Pamela Hudson
Felisa Kessler
Philip Kessler
Linda Kontoff
Emily Mekler
Brandi Melanson
Dori Mendel
Greer Mendel
Michael Miller
Kay Novak
Leslie Novak
Erin Nusnbaum
Sarah Prior
Vivian Prior
Shira Rice
Marc Rochman
Marc Schlenoff
Carol Sleeper
Eric Sleeper
Maxine Sleeper
Robert Sleeper
Mary Ann Stead
Lawrence Stein
Helen Telep‑Gonzalez
Joseph Warren
Dov Wilker
Ronald Wobbeking
Mary Zavett
Impact of Giving in 2023
Every year, thousands of individuals, families and organizations make donations and experience the healing power of generosity. This support strengthens programs and services, catapults innovative research projects and ensures that we can provide the best patient care possible. See a few of our impactful gifts that took place in 2023.