Provider Resources

Send Patients’ Prescriptions Directly to Us

Health care providers can send patient prescriptions directly to AdventHealth Rx Plus Pharmacy by escribing to AdventHealth Rx Plus Pharmacy - Mail Order and Specialty or faxing to 407-805-8545.
Sending electronic prescriptions via Surescripts is our preferred method of prescribing.
Send to Adventist Health Group AdventHealth Rx Plus Pharmacy - Mail Order and Specialty.

Retail NCPDP#: 1086671

Please note that, by law, we can only accept faxed prescriptions with a cover sheet.

Providers can prescribe long-term medications to Rx Plus through the Epic chart.

Need to find out if a medication is covered? Check our current formulary to see if the medication you plan to prescribe is on the list.

Helpful Resources for Providers

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