A Challenge to Feel Whole

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Here are some ideas to boost your whole health – mind, body, and spirit – each day.

Written by: Joy Payne

With every new season comes new possibilities, including a promise to ourselves that we will work to be better than we were. The goals we set tend to fall around improving our health and wellness. Whether you would like to achieve fitness goals towards weight loss or eat healthier foods on a daily basis, the answer to feeling whole might be simpler than you think.

In fact, great strides in self-improvement can be made when you take small steps daily that can guide you to a healthier, happier version of yourself. AdventHealth is not only dedicated to helping you succeed at your individual goals, but also to help you discover what makes you truly feel whole.

MIND Your Mind Has Power to Change

1. Re-channel your negativity.

Reframe your situation and change up your internal dialogue to be more positive. Then do one thing immediately to make your current situation more positive. Stressed at work? Focus on how fortunate you feel to have a job you care about enough to feel frazzled, and then cross one thing off your to-do list to lighten the load.

2. Push your comfort zone.

Life is built on extraordinary experiences, and today is your chance to have one. Do something outside of your ordinary routine to feel the rush that comes with trying something new.

3. Learning something new.

Today is the day to broaden your knowledge and to have fun doing it. Visit a local museum, enroll in an online class, watch a video on a topic that interests you, or read a book on a subject you want to learn more about.

BODY We Live In One of the Greatest Areas to Get Up and Get Moving Towards a Better You

1. Move your body.

Dupont State Forest, Graveyard Fields and the waterfalls of Transylvania County are among the top places to hike and explore in Western North Carolina. Whether you are on foot, bike or canoe, take advantage of the beautiful nature around you.

2. Try a new fruit or veggie.

Not only are they jam-packed with vitamins, minerals, and fiber, fruits and veggies are a powerful way to naturally boost your health. Get adventurous and pick up a new one at the grocery store or the local farmer’s market.

3. Floss your teeth.

Not only will it improve your oral hygiene, but flossing also benefits your whole body and can lower your risk of developing heart disease and diabetes.


1. Do something that brings you joy.

Nourish your spirit by feeding it with a beautiful moment today. Watch a sunset. Enjoy nature. Sing your favorite song. Smile at a stranger. Do something that makes you smile.

2. Read an Inspirational book by a spiritual leader.

Your spirit, like your body, needs regular nourishment to thrive. Find an inspirational book to read, based on what you find most inspiring at the moment.

3. Do everything you can to fill the world with love, laughter, and joy.

Spread the happiness to loved ones and even strangers today. Maybe it’s a random act of kindness, sending a card to a friend you haven’t spoken to in a while, or donating items, food or money, to a local charity — whatever you choose, it will be met with gratitude.

We want to follow along with you on the journey, so don’t forget to follow us on social media and use the hashtag #feelingwhole so we can celebrate with you. Here’s to your success!

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