It Was Routine. It Was Breast Cancer.

A nurse shows a young woman her test results from a prevenetive screening.
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It was routine.

Every year, I went like clockwork. Schedule the mammogram, go to the doctor’s office, wait for the all- clear and then head home. But this time was different. The wait was longer – that was my first clue that something was wrong. By the time the doctor called me back, I was a nervous wreck.

Breast cancer.

You hear stories all the time, but there’s nothing to describe how it feels when you find out that you have cancer. The doctor went over my options with me and I decided to have a mastectomy. One month later, Dr. Olga Ivanov removed my tumor. And here I am today, getting ready to go on vacation with my family.

I feel well and my prognosis is good – all because of a mammogram that caught my cancer in its early stages. That’s because breast cancer research, supported by generous people like you, saved my life – and I’m not the only one.

1 in 8 women will be diagnosed

During her lifetime, 1 out of 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. She could be your wife, your sister, your friend or your mother, but it’s not too late for you to do something.

When you give to support breast cancer research at AdventHealth, you are doing more than helping change the lives of the women you love today— you are changing the future for generations of women to come.

Innovative research

Over 50 years ago, innovative cancer research paved the way for mammography – a breast cancer screening procedure that is now routine and saves lives like mine every day. Can you imagine, then, what technologies we will have 50 years from now because of breast cancer research today? Will there be tests that warn us before cancer appears? Will breast cancer be entirely preventable?

“Breast cancer” could be a term of the past for your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren – but that future starts today with you.

Give now to breast cancer research at AdventHealth to help create a better future for the women you love.

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