The Health Benefits of Giving

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The act of giving has the incredible ability to evoke gratitude and stronger connections. It has been proven that giving-back activates areas of the brain associated with pleasure and sense of community. The act of giving time or money stimulates the brain’s award center and generates a feeling known as “helper’s high.”

This helper’s high evokes a sense of pleasure and social connection providing those who give with a distinct feeling of happiness. When you give to a hospital, you are providing that gift of happiness and comfort for other as well.

Generosity towards health causes is vital to your community and your gift is indisputably linked to the health, happiness and comfort of others as well as yourself. Giving should be an altruistic, selfless notion, but the truth is that giving is good for both the giver and the recipient’s health.

Thank you to those who continue to selflessly give back to hospital through volunteerism and monetary donations!

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