Manchester Memorial Hospitals Gallup and Service Awards Banquet

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Manchester, Kentucky, April 27, 2017Manchester Memorial Hospital hosted its third Gallup and Service Awards banquet at EKU Manchester Campus. The banquet recognized Best Practice and World Class managers, of which we had 10 and 12 respectively. These honors were scored by employees on a 5-point scale.

Winners of the Best Practice Award are as follows:

  • Erika Skula

  • Alberta Jewkes

  • April Hubbard

  • David Watson

  • April Kagan

  • Lucinda Sizemore

  • Richelle Cheek

  • Arlene Baker

  • Sheila Asher

  • Ben Klave

Winners of the World Class distinction are as follows:

  • Paul Merklin

  • Darlene Jones

  • Teresa Preece

  • Sharon Harris

  • Lora Step

  • April Turner

  • Kristi Harris

  • Martha Smith

  • Chris Carnes

  • Michael Ledford

  • Cindy Hall

  • Connie Farmer

Each group of managers were given a crystal plaque with their name and recognition etched into it.

Along with these awards, employees showing long-standing service to the hospital were recognized and awarded as well. We were proud to recognize 1,245 combined years of service that evening, including three employees who have been with the hospital for 30 years and one who has served the hospital for 35 years! Those were Martha Hays, Karen Harris, Johnny Marcum and Carol Cotton respectively, whom we would like to extend another huge congratulations and sincere thanks to.

It is amazing and rare to see such low turnover in the workforce today, said Joe Skula, Human Resources Director at MMH. When we have the honor of recognizing 1,245 years of service in one night alongside outstanding leadership by our managers, that's how we know we are in a mission-true organization dedicated to Extending the Healing Ministry of Christ.

For more information on our team leads and services provided at the hospital, log onto AdventHealth Manchester.

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