Gordon Hospital Foundation presents scholarships to nursing/allied health program students

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The Gordon Hospital Foundation recently presented several scholarships to nursing/allied health program students. Scholarship recipients include Alyssa Mars, Amber West, Elizabeth Evans, Erin Collins, Jamie Turner, Laura Whitehead, and Tabitha Smith.

We began offering these scholarships to help alleviate the nursing shortage the country was experiencing, said Garrett Nudd, president of the Gordon Hospital Foundation and director of marketing and philanthropy. Our hope is that a difference will be made in the lives of the recipients.

About Gordon Hospital

Founded in 1935, Gordon Hospital is proud to be a member of Adventist Health System. With a sacred mission of extending the healing ministry of Christ, Adventist Health System (AHS) is a connected system of care for every stage of life and health. More than 80,000 skilled and compassionate caregivers in physician practices, hospitals, outpatient clinics, skilled nursing facilities, home health agencies, and hospice centers provide individualized, wholistic care. A Christian mission, shared vision, common values, focus on whole-person health, and commitment to making communities healthier unify the systems 46 hospital campuses and hundreds of care sites in diverse markets throughout nine states.

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