Family and Friends For Physicians Health Care

2023 All Board Dinner

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Image of the Miller family at 2023 All Board Dinner

Each year AdventHealth Foundation Central Florida gathers for a night to celebrate the incredible generosity of our donors throughout the year. We invited board members, advocates in the community, and AdventHealth team members who have played a significant role in extending the healing ministry of Christ to Central Florida and Beyond.

The evening began with Steve and Melanie Miller, who shared a miraculous story about how the AdventHealth family saved Steve's life. Attendees were deeply moved after hearing first-hand how generosity heals.

2022 Volunteers of the Month

We also recognized our 2022 Volunteers of the Month for their incredible impact in the lives of countless patients in the Central Florida community. They truly have been agents of healing.

At the end of the night, Dr. Raj Wadhawan was honored to receive our first Foundation Physician Champion of the Year Award for his outstanding leadership and connections to grateful patients.

Watch the video below to learn more about the impact your giving made in 2022 or read the full Executive Philanthropy Briefing here.

Dr. Raj winning Physician of the Year Award

View the impact that your giving made in 2022.

AdventHealth 2022 Impact Video

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