AdventHealth Gordon EMS Names EMT and Paramedic of the Year

Gordon EMS Awards_2021

Members of the AdventHealth Gordon EMS team were recently honored with the 2021 AdventHealth Gordon EMS Service Awards.

“As a leader, I feel incredibly proud to get to work with a team like this every day,” said Michael Etheridge, director of AdventHealth Gordon EMS. “They are an exceptional team who works well together and is very community-focused."

According to Etheridge, among the seven categories of awards presented were the Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) of the Year Award, which was presented to Eric Boling, and the Paramedic of the Year Award, which went to Montana Teems.

Nominations are submitted by EMS staff and are later reviewed by an awards panel of judges from AdventHealth Gordon, who do not know or work closely with them. They make the final decision for EMT and Paramedic of the Year.

Other awards presented included:

Leader of the Year Award (presented to an individual who was nominated by their peers as a leader in the service): Donald Bowen.

110% Award (presented to an individual who goes above and beyond on a continual basis): Cynthia Norrell.

Kathy Cox Guardian Angel Award (presented to an individual who not only honors the memory and service of Gordon County Ordinance Officer Kathy Cox, who died on duty in an automobile accident on Aug. 21, 2008, but also recognize other public safety officials who share many of her extraordinary values): Courtney Taylor, Gordon County EMA director.

Trauma Call of the Year Award (presented to a group of individuals who helped work on a trauma call): Jennifer Henderson, Courtney Hice, Harold Tillery, Ken Bruce, Logan Daniel, Jessica Edwards, Montana Teems and Wayne Johnson.

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