- Gary Ainsworth

Dr. April Schiemenz feels that her desire to pursue a career in healthcare began in high school and was a calling from God to care for women and their growing families. She came to AdventHealth in 2016 and embraces the philosophy of whole patient care and incorporates the approach in her daily practice now. She has served the hospital as [art of the Medical Executive Team, Chair of the Obstetrics Department and Medical Officer of the Obstetrics Department at the Hemingway Clinic, calling each of them a privilege to be a part of. "I love serving in these roles to help better our community of physicians and staff to advance our patient care," Dr. Schiemenz says. "Being a part of a patient's life always beings me back to knowing this was my calling in life."
Why did I enter the healthcare field?
I felt a calling to medicine when I was still in high school. I knew I wanted to help people in some way and I loved science/ biology. I went to college at Baylor University and there I got involved with volunteering in a local ER. Each step of the process of pre-med and med school affirmed my desire to pursue my higher calling. The process to become a doctor was hard, but well worth it.
What does It mean to be a “Woman in Healthcare?
Women physicians are known to spend more time with their patients, which I find is very true for me . I love to be able to educate my patients and getting to know them well. Listening to their histories helps me provide empowering care to them throughout all stages of their life, like being a part of them building their family or building their routine wellness plans; bringing me back to the realization that I am answering my calling in life.
What would I go back and tell myself on my first day on the job?
I would encourage myself to love on my staff more! I have met amazing team members who have helped me provide amazing care to patients (in turn some have become my patients too which I LOVE). I have been better about showing my appreciation more lately, but I wish I had had more time in my earlier years as a physician to share my appreciation to them.
How do I balance my personal and professional lives?
I make sure to plan plenty of family and me time when I am off. We pack a lot into our weekends and vacations to make memories for us and our kids that will last forever. Our weekends are spent with family and friends at various activities like camping, movie nights, band, football, cheerleading, and church. I take Mondays to focus on organizing myself, but often means catching up on last week's charting and labs so that I am ready to tackle the new week.
What lessons have I learned in my role?
I have learned to place the oxygen mask on myself first. By that I mean, self-care extends to paying attention to your own physical, emotional, and spiritual health, especially in the medical field. We are often trained to ignore our own needs, and when I am healthy, I am a better doctor. I am reminded by my patients almost daily that I am blessed richly by them in fulfilling my calling.
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