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Every day we are working to extend and improve the quality of life for people living with Type 1 Diabetes. Ultimately we hope to be part of the cure. The only way we can get there is by innovation. The pathway to developing new treatments is through clinical trials. TRI clinicians and researchers are working on more than 50 T1D clinical trials. Below are a few we are enrolling participates in right now.
PHROG: This is a study of an investigational medication for increasing the response to low blood glucose in people who have had Type 1 diabetes for more than five years.
AIDE: This study is examining if an insulin pump with different treatment modules can reduce the incidence of low blood sugar and increase the quality of life in people ages 65 and older, who have had Type 1 diabetes for at least one year.
TrialNet: The Natural History Study of the Development of T1DM screens relatives of people with Type 1 diabetes to identify those at risk for developing the disease.
CIAO: This study seeks to categorize biomarkers found in the fat tissue of people who have been diagnosed with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes in the past five years.
Honey: This study focuses on adolescents and children diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes within the previous three months. It will measure the levels of specific biomarkers in the body that may indicate triggers of Type 1 diabetes to help find better ways of diagnosing the condition and tracking its progression.
GluCog: With daily questionnaires and continuous glucose monitoring, this study looks at the relationship of cognition and blood glucose levels in adults ages 18 and older who have had Type 1 diabetes for at least one year.
Learn more about other studies currently enrolling at the AdventHealth Research Institute, visit our website by clicking here or call Call407-303-7193.