An Orphan's Heart

Children in Haiti
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As Operation Sunshine begins its second year of healing work in Haiti, the number of children in orphanages who need our help continues to grow.

The 2010 earthquake that devastated Haiti created many orphans. In response, AdventHealth Global Mission Initiatives established Operation Sunshine to provide healthcare services for these children.

It is estimated that roughly 430,000 children live in hundreds of orphanages throughout Haiti. In addition to children without parents, we have also found that a family with too many mouths to feed -- and no income --sometimes sends a child to an orphanage so the remaining children can eat. Operation Sunshine cares for these children in a healthy and safe environment.

With your help these children will have access to health services.

An Orphan’s Heart

There is absolutely no love in this world like the love of a mother. Losing a mother at an early age is one of the most stressful events a child can face-- it completely tears apart the fabric of a child’s life. Children who grow up in institutional care are more likely to suffer from poor health, physical underdevelopment and developmental delays.

The 2010 earthquake that devastated Haiti created many orphans. In response, AdventHealth Global Mission Initiatives established Operation Sunshine to provide healthcare services for these children.

Care of an Orphan

“If only 7 percent of the two billion Christians in the world would care for a single orphan in distress, there would effectively be no more orphans. If everybody would be willing to simply do something to care for these precious treasures, I think we would be amazed by just how much we could change the world.” – Steven Curtis Chapman, Christian Musician

It takes one person (like you!) to make a huge difference in one child’s life. With your help, these children can receive healthcare.

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Operation Sunshine

Operation Sunshine provides healthcare services for children.

In 2016, Operation Sunshine:

  • Enrolled six orphanages and children’s homes through the Operation Sunshine program
  • Arranged physical and dental care for 400 children
  • Delivered care at Haiti Adventist Hospital to more than 110 sick children

In 2017, Operation Sunshine:

  • Will grow the program to provide healthcare to 750 vulnerable children
  • Will improve the quality of water at orphanages and children’s houses
  • Will educate children and staff about healthy living
  • Asks you to pray for these children

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