A Place for Those Without a Home

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Hospice of the Comforter Robison Residence

When Hospice of the Comforter patients have no able caregiver — or no caregiver at all — Robison Residence becomes their home. In this warm setting, volunteers such as Allis Gwinn offer comfort and support.

“I want to do whatever I can to make patients feel appreciated and loved. I enjoy reading to them, listening to music on the porch, holding their hand, celebrating a birthday and hearing them talk about their lives. If I can make their day a little brighter, it makes me happy. I have such great respect for the staff, volunteers and Hospice personnel. We all work together with compassion and it’s like being part of a big family.”

-Allis Gwinn, Volunteer

A gift to Robison Residence provides:

  • Care for those who are alone or with no able caregiver
  • Home-like setting with living room, dining room, kitchen and patio
  • Round-the-clock, expert care with a team that includes nurses, physicians, chaplains, case managers
  • counselors, social workers and trained volunteers
  • Six private rooms with televisions
  • No one is turned away, regardless of their ability to pay

“Open wide your hand to your brother” Deuteronomy 15:11

Click here to donate

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