Health Classes, Events and Programs
Improve your body, mind and spirit throughout the year with wellness seminars and workshops, healthy cooking demonstrations, weight-loss challenges and other special health programs from AdventHealth Wellness Center Wesley Chapel, formerly the Health and Wellness Center at Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel. Some events and programs are for members only; others are open to the public.
To register for events, visit AHWesleyChapel.com/Events or call Call813-929-5432.
No Membership Required Special Health Programs
- Vitality Cancer Survivor Health Program
If you’ve lost some pep from your step during your cancer journey, this FREE health program is for you. Led by health care and exercise professionals, the program helps fight fatigue, depression, pain and other effects of cancer. It can help improve fitness and functioning, sleep, and quality of life. The program offers adult cancer survivors:
- An individualized exercise program
- Comprehensive health and fitness assessments
- Ongoing follow-up and support
- Unlimited access to the Wellness Center (during program)
- Weekly small-group exercise training and health and wellness seminars
If you or a loved one could benefit from this health program, contact us today at WCHvitality@adventhealth.com or Call813-929-5368.
The Vitality program is funded by the AdventHealth Wesley Chapel Foundation.
* After completion of the program, participants receive 50% off on enrollment fees. Offer valid for 30 days from program completion date.
- Well on Your Way Diabetes Program
In this FREE 8-week diabetes intervention program, you’ll learn how diet, exercise and a healthier lifestyle can improve your health. Reduce the risk of diabetes-related complications, including heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, kidney disease, nerve damage, foot problems, eye damage and more. This program will include:
- Comprehensive health assessments
- Group nutrition education sessions
- Individualized exercise programs and nutrition consultations
- Ongoing follow-up and support
- Unlimited access to the Wellness Center (during the 8-week program)
- Weekly small-group exercise training
With the help of an exercise physiologist, registered dietitian nutritionist and other professionals, you’ll learn new skills and get motivated to put them into action. Using CREATION® Life principles, you’ll find ways to lower blood glucose level, body weight and body fat, and improve your A1c and lipid profile.
After completion of the program, participants receive 50% off on enrollment fees. Offer valid for 30 days from program completion date.
The Well on Your Way program is funded by AdventHealth. For more information, please contact us today at wch.wellonyourway@adventhealth.com.
- Exercise is Medicine®
Research shows physical activity can help treat and prevent more than 40 chronic conditions, such as heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), arthritis, diabetes and high blood pressure. The Exercise is Medicine program applies this knowledge to help lower stress and blood pressure, maintain a healthy body weight and lean muscle mass, increase your heart function, and possibly reduce your need for medications. Based on the American College of Sports Medicine’s Exercise is Medicine global initiative, the health and fitness program provides:
- A fitness assessment with an exercise physiologist or a degreed and certified personal trainer
- A 8-week introductory medical membership for $99 (enrollment fee waived)
- A workout program created just for you
- After completion of the program, participants receive 50% off on enrollment fees. *Offer valid for 30 days from program completion date.
To enroll, have your doctor or primary care provider fill out this form , fax it to Call813-929-5251 and give you the original. To find out more, email WCHExerciseIsMedicine@adventhealth.com or call Call813-929-5368.