A group of kids with medical employees


The first medical services at Mugonero Adventist Hospital were offered by American missionary Dr. John Sturges in 1931. He began by treating patients outside his tent while the new hospital ward was being constructed.

AdventHealth Rocky Mountain Region, began a partnership with Mugonero Adventist Hospital in 2006, and teams traveled from Colorado to Rwanda twice a year to perform free orthopedic surgeries. Most physicians in the country were either killed or fled the country following 1994 genocide. Thus, efforts have been focused not only on providing surgery, but training a new generation of surgeons in the country.

Another project, Step in a New Direction, has focused on the problem of club foot in Rwanda. Donors have sponsored corrective surgery for over 70 young people throughout the country. Because club foot can also be remedied for infants through serial casting, trainings are organized annually for local providers and physical therapists in the Ponseti Method of correcting club foot.

Several construction projects at Mugonero have resulted in a new pediatric ward, a new laundry facility, a new patient and family waiting area, a new obstetric facility and a new water distribution system. Medical equipment donations have also included new anesthesia machines and other operating room equipment and instruments.

Administrative support has also benefited the hospital in recent years with leadership training and continuing education for nursing and physician staff.