Depending on the specific cause of a patient’s urinary incontinence, a number of surgical procedures are available to address or help minimize the problem. For example, women who suffer from stress incontinence may be treated via Tension-Free Vaginal Tape (TVT) surgery, a minimally invasive procedure where mesh tape is positioned so as to add support to the urethra and help keep the bladder from losing urine when the patient coughs, laughs or sneezes. Another type of incontinence surgery is called retropubic suspension, where the bladder neck and urethra are lifted from a lower-than-normal position. A urethral sling procedure also lifts the urethra back into a normal position, while another treatment, called sacral nerve stimulation (SNS) applies a weak electric current to help stimulate nerves in the lower back and pelvic region. A fourth type of incontinence treatment, which is not actually a form of surgery, is called “urethral bulking.” Here, a hole or thin area of the urethral wall is addressed by injecting a special material. Your physician will talk to you about what procedure is most likely to be successful in addressing your specific condition.
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