How Fast is Recovery From Bariatric Surgery?

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Bariatric surgery can offer you a new beginning — and a dramatic boost — on your weight-loss journey. But the surgery itself is just one step in the process. Your recovery and life after bariatric surgery is when all the good stuff happens. We’re here to walk you through your recovery process, from immediately after your operation to your six-month milestone and beyond.

Immediately Following Your Surgery

These are your first steps to a new you! Take extra special care of yourself as your body heals; it’s important to stay mobile enough since you’ll be able to walk the same day, and keep yourself hydrated. Depending on which procedure you have, you may be able to go home the same day, or relax for an overnight hospital stay.

  • Go home the same day (for some procedures)
  • Go home the next day (for other procedures)
  • Walk within hours
  • Stay hydrated by taking tiny sips of water
  • Water intake should increase as tolerated

First Four Weeks

  • Focus on healing, hydrating and nutrition
  • Follow up with your medical team to check on progress and your healing
  • Follow your doctor’s guidelines and food advancement phases
  • Transition to light activity, once cleared
  • Learn and listen to your new body

One to Three Months

This post-surgery phase is all about big steps and a ton of progress! You start getting used to your new diet and you can return to normal activities — maybe even new ones you’ve been wanting to try as you notice you have more energy.

  • Adapting becomes easier
  • Another follow-up
  • Once cleared, return to normal activities
  • You’re starting to feel great

Three to Six Months

As your whole health improves, you might be able to adjust your medications. You’re noticing significant weight loss and feel lighter on your feet as your mobility improves.

  • Experience lots of milestones
  • Improved overall health
  • Increased mobility
  • Significant weight loss

Six Months and Beyond

At the six-month mark, you might notice milestones such as clothes fitting that haven’t in years, you start liking who you see in the mirror, you don’t need a seatbelt extender on an airplane, and you can get in and have fun rides at theme parks. This is an exciting time. Enjoy every minute!

Here’s what you can expect after your six-month milestone:

We’re Here to Support You Every Step of the Way

Having bariatric surgery is a big step. Getting support — either by talking with an experienced professional or attending a support group — can help your recovery go as smooth as possible. Check out our page to learn more about our personalized bariatric care.

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