- Gary Ainsworth

Killeen, September 6, 2022 – AdventHealth’s annual Shine the Light event will take place on Thursday, September 29, from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m., in the parking lot behind the hospital’s Surgery Center. “Shine the Light is a chance to help raise awareness about breast cancer, while at the same time, celebrate breast cancer survivors and educate women on the steps they can take to stay healthy,” says Kevin Roberts, CEO of AdventHealth Central Texas and AdventHealth Rollins Brook.
The evening will begin with a talk by guest speaker about how women can live their healthiest life., and a celebration of breast cancer survivors with a Dusk to Dark walk following the presentation. Refreshments and will be part of the festivities, and the evening will end with a lighting ceremony that will light the entire hospital pink for the entire month of October.
Registration is required for the Dusk to Dark walk, and all proceeds raised by the walk will go to provide free mammograms for women who cannot afford the life-saving screening otherwise. “Historically, we have always had strong community support for our free mammogram program,” said Tony Mino, director of development at the AdventHealth Central Texas Foundation.
For more information about Shine the Light event, or to register for the Dusk to Dark walk, visit AdventHealth Central Texas or call Call254-519-8202.
- Contact: Gary Ainsworth
- Tel: Call Gary Ainsworth at254-519-8316
- Email: Email Gary Ainsworth atgary.ainsworth@adventhealth.com