Patients with obstructive sleep apnea who are not able to tolerate a CPAP machine and who have exhausted all other less invasive treatment methods may be considered candidates for surgical intervention that will provide a permanent solution to this serious health issue. Such interventions focus on removing or reconstructing abnormalities within the upper airway including the nasal septum, soft palate, base of the tongue and adenoids. Some of the many forms of sleep apnea surgery in which our head and neck surgeons specialize include adenotonsillectomy (removal of the adenoids and tonsils), genioglossal advancement (to prevent the tongue from blocking the airway during sleep), hyoid suspension, maxillary-mandibular advancement, nasal reconstruction, the Pillar system (palatal implants), septoplasty and turbinate reduction, tracheotomy, transoral robotic surgery (TORS), uvulectomy and uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP or UP3).
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