It’s not uncommon for the mother of a newborn baby to experience overwhelming emotions - including anxiety and sadness - following the birth of her child. Such mood swings may be accompanied by fits of crying, extreme lethargy or an inability to sleep, and they are indicators of the condition known as postpartum depression. Likely causes of postpartum depression include hormonal changes following childbirth as well as the stress and sleep deprivation that comes with being a new mom. Women who have previously been diagnosed with depression or bipolar disorder and those who have a child with significant health issues are particularly prone to this condition. Sometimes the symptoms that a mother is feeling are not so severe as to meet the definition of postpartum depression, but are more aptly described as the “baby blues” – and this condition typically resolves itself in less than two weeks. For those whose symptoms are more severe and linger on for weeks or months at a time, postpartum depression may be diagnosed and treatments in the form of psychotherapy and antidepressant medications may be offered.
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