Healthy Holiday Nutrition Tips

Healthy stir fry
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It is important to be realistic about your diet during the holidays. If you have been striving for weight loss, your goal during the holiday season is likely to be weight maintenance instead of continued loss. Some survival tips:

- Don't skip meals. Don't go to a party hungry, have a snack of fruit or vegetables before to take the edge off your hunger.

- Don't be a recreational eater! Take one small plate choosing foods you really enjoy and eat slowly savoring every bite. When you are done, chew gum, drink water or a non- caloric beverage and mingle! Don't stand next to the buffet and graze!

- Don't be too hard on yourself if you overindulge on one meal. Get back on track with healthy eating the next day.

- Keep active it is a great stress reliever and helps to burn the extra calories consumed!

Make the company of those you love the center of your gathering, not the food.

These small changes can help keep you on track for good health through the holiday season.

By: Teresa Terry, RD, LD

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