- AdventHealth

Leaders of Healthy Central Florida and the City of Winter Park, along with sponsors AdventHealth and the Winter Park Health Foundation, are encouraging Winter Park business owners and area residents to trade in their automobiles for bicycles and join Bike to Work Day on March 9.
The benefits of bicycling are numerous, including reducing stress, managing weight and elevating mood. For businesses, it could also lead to lower health care costs and improved employee morale.
As a business owner or manager, it behooves us to have a workforce that is fit physically, mentally and emotionally, said Jill Hamilton Buss, Executive Director of Healthy Central Florida. Not only does a healthy workforce reduce health care expenses, but studies have shown people are generally happier and less stressed at work when they cycle. This is a great opportunity for local businesses to encourage and support their employees as they make their health a priority.
Nearly 100 people have signed up for Bike to Work Day so far, including David Erne, a business manager with Bonnier Corp., and chairman of the city's Pedestrian and Bicycle Advisory Board. Ernes been cycling for about five years and says the mental and emotional benefits are far greater than he imagined.
I have such great clarity when I cycle, Erne said. I don't know if it's fresh air in the morning, or the vitamin D from the morning sun, but I love starting my day on the bicycle.
Not only does he start the workday with a sense of accomplishment, but the ride home has its own benefits too. It's a wonderful way to wind down, Erne said.
Through its Green Local Government initiative, Winter Park officials are working to transform the city into one of the most active and conservation-minded cities in America.
Not only is biking beneficial to health, but it is also great for the environment and reduces traffic in the city, said Vice Mayor Sarah Sprinkel. We hope Winter Parks businesses will join us as we celebrate Bike to Work Day in the city.
Healthy Central Florida and the City of Winter Park are spearheading Bike to Work Day activities, which include a group ride and social gathering afterward. Bicyclists will meet at 3:30 pm on Garfield Avenue, behind the main stage in Central Park. The group ride will begin at 4 pm and will have a police escort and rolling road closures. The after-party will begin at 5 pm at Park Social, 358 N. Park Ave. Businesses or organizations with the most riders have the opportunity to win prizes.
To register for Bike to Work Day, email intern@healthycf.org or trafficguy@cityofwinterpark.org; or call Call407-599-3411. For more information about Bike to Work, contact Hamilton Buss at Call407-619-0410 or jhamiltonbuss@healthycf.org.
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