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Lung Cancer Screenings Q&A
Lung cancer screening is a 5 minute, noninvasive scan of your lungs. Research shows that screening using a low - dose CT scan can help detect lung cancer earlier, before clinical signs or symptoms develop. These early stage cancers can be more easily treated and more frequently cured than later...
Cancer Rehab – After the Battle
When Cedartown resident and new mom Lacee Landrum was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2019, her world halted as she was suddenly thrown into a new routine of chemotherapy treatments and doctors’ appointments. As a former college softball athlete, Landrum, 29, was familiar with training regimens and...
AdventHealth Georgia Challenges Community to Light Porches Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness
Throughout the month of October, the AdventHealth cancer care teams are challenging our community once again to light porches pink across Northwest Georgia to spread awareness of breast cancer.