Florida Hospital Fish Memorial Recognizes Nurse with DAISY Award

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ORANGE CITY, Fla., February 16, 2017 Florida Hospital Fish Memorial recognized emergency department registered nurse Christina Cauduro with the DAISY award.

The DAISY Award is an international program that rewards and celebrates extraordinary clinical skill and compassionate care provided by nurses.

A patient nominated Cauduro for this recognition.

I am a very sick person, I've been in and out of hospitals all of my life. Christina was so calming she even rubbed my back as I was vomiting, the patient said in her nomination form for Cauduro. She took care of not only me, but my Mom. She brought her a more comfortable chair, pillows, blankets, coffee and sandwiches. She prayed with us and was patient when my anxiety was up Even though it was busy, she always made special time for me and my Mom. I know she is such a blessing to people.

Created in 1999, more than 2,400 healthcare facilities in all 50 states, as well as 14 other countries, use the DAISY Award to honoring nurses.

Cauduro was awarded this honor during a special reception and received a vase of daisies, an award pin, a tote bag, and a hand-carved stone sculpture of the Healers Touch by artists of the Shona Tribe in Zimbabwe.

Her unit, Florida Hospital Fish Memorials 32-bed emergency department, also received cinnamon rolls and a DAISY banner to display.

About Florida Hospital Fish Memorial

Florida Hospital Fish Memorial is a member of Adventist Health System, a faith-based health care organization with 46 hospital campuses and nearly 8,200 licensed beds in 10 states. With 175-beds, Florida Hospital Fish Memorial is one of the six Florida Hospitals in Volusia and Flagler counties that composes the Florida Hospital East Florida Region. As the largest hospital system in the area, the Florida Hospital East Florida Region has 923 beds and more than 6,000 employees. With a mission to extend the healing ministry of Christ, the Florida Hospital East Florida Region collectively contributed nearly $120 million in benefits in 2015 to the underprivileged, the community's overall health and wellness and spiritual needs, and capital improvements.

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