AdventHealth West Florida Division COVID-19 vaccine distribution update

To date, AdventHealth West Florida Division has provided more than 20,000 team member, community, and in-home vaccinations from its allotment.


AdventHealth West Florida Division has expanded its COVID-19 vaccination capacity through partnerships with the departments of health in Hillsborough, Pasco and Pinellas Counties to vaccinate people 65 and older. The hospital system previously partnered with the Marion County Department of Health to assist the county in vaccinating thousands, age 65 and older, who registered for a COVID-19 vaccine at its Paddock Mall location.



AdventHealth partnered with Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church in Zephyrhills to assist congregation members 65 and older with receiving their first doses of COVID-19 vaccinations at its Pasco County site.

Higher incidents of complications and death from COVID-19 among Blacks and Latinos are symptoms of longstanding health and economic inequities. As a result, some Black and Latino patients don’t receive care until they are at a later stage of disease or are already compromised with underlying conditions that make treating COVID-19 more difficult. To address the problems, AdventHealth is working on efforts to educate more people on risk factors such as partnering with churches or fraternities and sororities to let people know about the safety of the vaccine and other health information.

“We have an obligation in our community to help our seniors thrive and stay healthy, said Pastor Adrian Gay, Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church. “We are grateful to AdventHealth for all they’ve done to help get our seniors vaccinated.”


The West Florida Division will begin vaccinating extremely vulnerable patients on Wednesday, February 17 at a designated location in Pasco County. Due to the limited number of vaccines, our clinical leadership team used the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention criteria to determine who is deemed extremely vulnerable. The following patients will qualify for vaccinations and will be notified directly of where to report for vaccinations:

  • Solid organ transplant and bone marrow transplant patients
  • Cancer patients undergoing active treatment
  • Cystic fibrosis patients
  • Those with Sickle Cell Disease
  • Adults with Down Syndrome

“Our focus is to ensure that patients who are facing critical health issues, or undergoing complex treatments, get a vaccine so they do not encounter a life-threatening situation like contracting COVID-19”, said Ana Ali, Assistant Vice President of Strategic Innovation, AdventHealth West Florida Division.


In parallel with community vaccinations, AdventHealth Home Health has vaccinated 150 patients and caregivers 65 and older in their homes. The group will receive an additional allotment to vaccinate 150 additional patients and their caregivers who qualify in the coming days. Those patients will also be notified directly of their eligibility.