2024-2025 Runners Contest



1. Eligibility: The AdventHealth 2024-2025 Runners Contest ("Contest") is open to participants at least eighteen (18) years old at the time of entry. The following individuals are not eligible to participate: Employees [including members of employee’s household and their immediate families (spouse, parents, siblings, and children)] of AdventHealth (“Sponsor”), Disney Worldwide Services, Inc. (“Disney”) and each of their respective parent, related, subsidiary and affiliated companies and each of their respective directors, officers, owners, advertising and promotion agencies, employees and agents. Proof of eligibility may be required. This Contest is subject to all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations and is void where prohibited.

2. Sponsor: Adventist Health System/Sunbelt, Inc. d/b/a AdventHealth Orlando, 601 East Rollins Street, Orlando, FL 34803

3. Agreement to Official Rules: Participation in this Contest constitutes entrant’s full and unconditional agreement to these Official Rules and Sponsor's decisions, which are final and binding in all matters related to this Contest. Winning a prize is contingent upon fulfilling all requirements set forth herein.

4. Timing: The Contest begins on or about 8:00 A.M. Eastern Standard Time (“EST”) on October 31, 2024 and ends at 11:59 P.M. EST on April 30, 2025 (the "Contest Period") Sponsor’s computer is the official time-keeping device for this Contest.

5. How to Enter:

By submitting your information online you agree that it conforms to the Submission Guidelines and Content Restrictions as defined below (collectively, the “Guidelines and Restrictions”) and that Sponsor may disqualify you from the Contest if it believes, in its sole discretion, that your Submission fails to conform to the Guidelines and Restrictions or is otherwise not in compliance with these Official Rules.

Submission Guidelines:

  • The Submission must be in English;
  • In 500 Words or less share who inspires you to run and
  • Four (4) entries per person during the Contest Period.

Content Restrictions:

All entries must (i) not be obscene, indecent or otherwise offensive (as determined by Sponsor in its sole discretion); (ii) not contain (a) any words, statements or images considered offensive to individuals of any age, race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation or other protected class, or who are disabled, (b) any threats to any person, place, business, group or entity, (c) materials that promote bigotry, racism, hatred or harm against any group or individual or promote discrimination based on age, race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation or other protected class, or disability, (d) any materials that depict illegal acts or are sexually explicit, libelous, obscene, violent, hateful or slanderous or (e) content not in keeping with Sponsor’s reputation; (iii) not be copyrighted; and (iv) not be owned by a third-party or be subject to any restriction or right that would in any way limit Sponsor’s right to use the entry as permitted under these Official Rules (collectively “Content Restrictions”). Failure to comply with these Content Restrictions, as determined by Sponsor in its sole discretion, is grounds for an automatic disqualification from the Promotion.

6. Winner Determination: Four (4) winners will be determined by a panel of qualified judges, consisting of at least three people. A subset of that panel will be responsible for shortlisting what it judges using pre-selected criteria to be the best entry, and the panel will then choose the winner from that shortlist. The decision of the judging panel is final, and at its sole discretion. No correspondence or discussion will be entered into by Sponsor in relation to that decision.

7. Winner Requirements: Sponsor will notify potential winners via phone call or email (as applicable) and will provide further instructions to claim his/her prize after the conclusion of each race weekend. Each potential winner will be required to verify his/her email address and provide their full name and mailing address (no P.O. Boxes) information for prize fulfillment purposes, in order to claim his/her prize. If a potential winner cannot be contacted after reasonable attempts by Sponsor (as determined in its sole discretion), fails to provide any requested information, does not comply with these Official Rules, or the prize is returned as undeliverable, the potential winner is disqualified and forfeits the prize. If a potential winner is disqualified for any reason, the prize may be awarded to a runner-up, if any, in Sponsor’s sole discretion. Up to three (3) alternate winners may be determined, after which the applicable prize will remain un-awarded. Acceptance of any prize shall constitute and signify the winner’s unconditional agreement and consent that Sponsor and its designees may use the winner’s name, city, state, likeness, Submission and/or prize information in connection with this Contest for promotional, advertising or other purposes, worldwide, in any and all media now known or hereafter devised, including the Internet, without limitation and without further payment, notification, permission or other consideration, except where prohibited by law. Without limiting the generality of these Official Rules, the winner shall irrevocably grant, transfer, convey and assign to Sponsor the entirety of the rights in and to the Submission and all renewals and extensions of copyright, and the right to secure copyright registrations thereto in perpetuity including, without limitation, the rights to use the Submission for any and all purposes in any and all media whether now known or hereafter developed, on a worldwide basis, in perpetuity. The winner accepts and acknowledges that Sponsor shall not be obligated to use the Submission and that Sponsor in its sole discretion shall have the right to refrain from using the Submission. Sponsor shall not incur any liability whatsoever to the extent Sponsor chooses to refrain from any exploitation of its rights hereunder. The winner will release, hold harmless from, and indemnify Released Parties (as defined below) and any of their respective agents, assigns or licensees against all claims, damages, liabilities, and expenses (including reasonable counsel fees and legal expenses) arising out of his/her Submission, his/her participation in this Contest or any Contest-related activity, the use/misuse, possession, loss or misdirection of the Grand Prize or any part thereof, and any breach of these Official Rules. The “Released Parties” for the purposes of this Contest shall include Sponsor, Disney and each of their respective parent, related subsidiary and affiliated companies and the directors, officers, owners, employees and advertising and promotion agencies of each.

8. Prizes: FOUR (4) GRAND PRIZES (each a “Grand Prize”) will be awarded during the Contest Period consisting of the following:.

  • Grand Prize #1: ONE (1) GRAND PRIZE will be awarded from Contest entries received between October 31, 2024 and January 7, 2025. Grand Prize #1 will include TWO (2) entries to their race of choice at the 2025 runDisney Wine & Dine Half Marathon Weekend at Walt Disney World® Resort.
  • Grand Prize #2: ONE (1) GRAND PRIZE will be awarded from Contest entries received between January 7, 2025 and February 19, 2025. Grand Prize #2 will include TWO (2) entries to their race of choice at the 2026 Walt Disney World® Marathon Weekend.
  • Grand Prize #3: ONE (1) GRAND PRIZE will be awarded from Contest entries received between February 20, 2025 and April 2, 2025. Grand Prize #3 will include TWO (2) entries to their race of choice at the 2026 runDisney Princess Half Marathon Weekend at Walt Disney World® Resort.
  • Grand Prize #4: ONE (1) GRAND PRIZE will be awarded from Contest entries received between April 3, 2025 and April 30, 2025. Grand Prize #4 will include TWO (2) entries to their race of choice at the 2026 runDisney Springtime Surprise Weekend at Walt Disney World® Resort.

Grand Prizes are not valid for or transferable to the other single-race events (5K, Half Marathon, Marathon or 10-mile), challenge events or for virtual races. Restrictions may apply on an event-by-event basis.

Grand Prize is non-transferable, cannot be redeemed for cash and no substitution will be made except as provided herein at the Sponsor’s sole discretion. Sponsor reserves the right to substitute a prize for one of comparable or greater value, in its sole discretion. The winner is responsible for all taxes and fees associated with prize receipt and/or use. All prize details are at Sponsor’s sole discretion. Prize is awarded “AS IS” and WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, express or implied.

Each Grand Prize is subject to runDisney registration terms and conditions, and event policies. Winner must complete event registration prior to the event. Event registrations do not include entry into any of the Walt Disney World® theme parks. If winner wishes to enjoy the theme parks before or after the event, theme park tickets must be purchased separately, and park reservations may be required.

Total Approximate Retail Value (“ARV") of each Grand Prize: $112.00 - $300.00. If the actual value of the grand prize is less than the stated ARV, the difference will not be awarded.

9. General Conditions: Sponsor reserves the right to cancel, suspend and/or modify this Contest, or any part of it, if any fraud, technical failures, human error or any other factor impairs the integrity or proper functioning of this Contest, as determined by Sponsor in its sole discretion. If terminated, Sponsor may, in its sole discretion, determine the winner from among all non-suspect, eligible Submissions received up to time of such action using the judging procedure outlined above or as otherwise seemed fair and appropriate by Sponsor. Sponsor, in its sole discretion, reserves the right to disqualify any individual it finds to be tampering with the Submission process or the operation of this Contest or to be acting in violation of the Official Rules of this or any other promotion or in an unsportsmanlike or disruptive manner and void all associated Submissions. Any attempt by any person to deliberately undermine the legitimate operation of this Contest may be a violation of criminal and civil law, and, should such an attempt be made, Sponsor reserves the right to seek damages and other remedies (including attorneys’ fees) from any such person to the fullest extent permitted by law. Sponsor’s failure to enforce any term of these Official Rules shall not constitute a waiver of that provision.

10. Limitations of Liability: Released Parties are not responsible for: (1) any incorrect or inaccurate information, whether caused by entrant, printing, typographical or other errors or by any of the equipment or programming associated with or utilized in the Contest; (2) technical failures of any kind, including, but not limited to malfunctions, interruptions, or disconnections in phone lines or network hardware or software, or lost, interrupted or unavailable network, server, Internet Service Provider (ISP), website, or other connections, availability or accessibility or miscommunications or failed computer, satellite, telephone or cable transmissions, lines, or technical failure or jumbled, scrambled, delayed, or misdirected transmissions; (3) unauthorized human intervention in any part of the Submission process or the Contest; (4) other errors or problems of any kind relating to or in connection with the Promotion, whether printing, typographical, technical, computer, network, mechanical, human error or otherwise, which may occur in the administration of the Contest, the uploading, the processing of entries or the processing or judging of Submissions, the announcement of the prizes or in any promotion-related materials; (5) late, lost, undeliverable, damaged or stolen mail; or (6) any injury or damage to persons or property which may be caused, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, from entrant’s participation in this Contest or receipt or use or misuse of any prize. Released Parties are not responsible for any unauthorized third-party use of any Submission. Released Parties are not liable, including for any costs or expenses, if any component of the Grand Prize is delayed, postponed or cancelled for any reason.

11. Disputes: Except where prohibited, entrant agrees that: (1) any and all disputes, claims and causes of action arising out of or connected with this Contest or any prize awarded shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action, and exclusively by the United States District Court for the Middle District of Florida located in Orlando, Florida; (2) any and all claims, judgments and awards shall be limited to actual out-of-pocket costs incurred, including costs associated with entering this Contest, and in no event will entrant be permitted to obtain attorneys’ fees or other legal costs; and (3) under no circumstances will entrant be permitted to obtain awards for, and entrant hereby waives all rights to claim, indirect, punitive, incidental and consequential damages and any other damages, other than for actual out-of-pocket expenses, and any and all rights to have damages multiplied or otherwise increased. All issues and questions concerning the construction, validity, interpretation and enforceability of these Official Rules, or the rights and obligations of the entrant and Sponsor in connection with the Contest, shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of Florida without giving effect to any choice of law or conflict of law rules (whether of the State of Florida or any other jurisdiction), which would cause the application of the laws of any jurisdiction other than the State of Florida.

12. Entrant's Personal Information: Information collected from entrant is subject to Sponsor’s Privacy Policy https://www.adventhealth.com/legal/privacy-policy