What Is Disease Management?

A Physician Goes Over a Patient's Chart with Him on a Tablet

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Acute health problems are different from chronic illnesses and diseases. In the modern health care landscape, disease management is becoming increasingly important.

But what is disease management, and how does it affect health outcomes? Disease management has many objectives, all of which are centered around improving patients' quality of life and reducing health care costs. Learn more about how effective disease management can improve patient experiences and public health.

Key Components of Disease Management

Disease management involves integrated patient care and smooth treatment systems. There is no one "right answer" when it comes to managing chronic diseases, but certain models of care are more successful than others.

What else is included in disease management? Here are the key aspects of effective disease management and how they affect you:

Patient Identification and Risk Management

The first step in effective disease management is identifying a patient's chronic illness or disease. Chronic disease is becoming more and more common, and we need accurate patient identification strategies to bring complex illnesses to the surface.

The second step is risk or symptom management. What risks or symptoms are you experiencing and how severe are they? What is the likelihood of experiencing complications? These considerations are essential to manage and treat your chronic condition effectively.

Comprehensive Assessment and Planning

Once you've received a diagnosis, your provider will perform a thorough health assessment. In-depth assessments reveal additional risk factors and support disease identification.

People with chronic illnesses and diseases need personalized health plans tailored to their individual needs. No two patients’ conditions are exactly alike: each person experiences slight variations in symptoms and how their disease presents itself. With that in mind, long-term care planning should reflect your individual experiences.

Patient Education and Empowerment

Successful chronic disease management includes working as a team with your health care provider. Everyone deserves access to adequate education and empowerment regarding their health condition.

Your provider will encourage you to take an active and enthusiastic role in managing your condition. This process often involves lifestyle changes such as eating a nutritious diet, exercising and not smoking, so having a support system is extremely helpful.

Care Coordination and Collaboration

Your health care providers also communicate and collaborate with one another. Multidisciplinary approaches result in better outcomes, especially for people dealing with chronic conditions.

At AdventHealth, our experts — from emergency care providers to primary care providers — work hand-in-hand to ensure you receive the best care.

Continuous Monitoring and Follow-Up

Monitoring your health metrics and scheduling follow-up appointments are essential tools your care provider uses to manage your chronic illness effectively.

During these follow-up assessments, your provider will discuss what's working well and what areas of your life could use further support or improvement. You'll work together to make adjustments, as needed, to your care plan.

Medication Management

Medications are crucial for relieving symptoms — and even slowing disease progression in some cases.

Patients who comply with their prescribed medication regimens experience better physical and psychological outcomes, regardless of their condition. Medication management can be complex, but your primary care physicians and pharmacist will work with you to ensure you're receiving what works best for you.

Lifestyle Modification Support

Many chronic illnesses respond well to healthy lifestyle changes. The best way to see results from these changes is by sticking with them.

Your health care provider will encourage sustainable, informed lifestyle choices you can implement. These lifestyle changes make a big difference in your health, often improving your quality of life and disease prognoses.

Improving Your Health With Effective Disease Management

Your health is always important, and chronic conditions shouldn't prevent you from living your life fully. Establishing a good relationship with a primary care provider is crucial to effective disease management.

Schedule an appointment at an AdventHealth Primary Care+ location near you today to get started on your journey to better health.

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