Tumor resection in the cervical spine is necessary to remove malignant or benign tumors that have formed with the spinal canal. While spinal cancer is one of the rarest forms of this disease, it does happen. A qualified spinal surgeon can treat the condition, remove tissue for biopsy, and provide the means for chemotherapy and radiation to be applied to spinal cancer. For more information about cervical tumor resection, contact Dr. Chetan Patel at AdventHealth Medical Group Spine Health by calling Call407-303-5452.

Why Is Resection Necessary?

Most spinal tumors are benign and present no threat of spreading throughout the body (though they can spread within the spinal canal). Of course, a sample of the tumor material is needed to confirm that this is indeed the case with your tumors. However, even if the tumors are benign, action still needs to be taken because of the compression they create within the spinal canal.

Cervical spine tumors create the same kind of compression seen in patients with herniated discs. The tumor presses on the spinal cord and nerves, causing neck and shoulder pain. In extreme cases, this compression can become debilitating, creating muscle weakness and a loss of fine motor control. By removing the tumors, the compression is alleviated, and the patient can return to normal life.

How Tumor Resection Works

Cervical tumor resection works similarly to resection procedures performed in other areas of the spine (below the neck). In most instances, the surgeon will perform a laminectomy or laminotomy (depending on the determined best course of action) in order to open up the spinal canal. Both procedures involve cutting the back of the vertebra (the bony dome that protects the back of the spinal canal).

  • Laminectomy – In a spinal laminectomy procedure for tumor resection, Dr. Chetan Patel of the Spine Health Institute will create a “door” in the vertebra’s lamina. The material that constitutes the door will not be removed from the vertebra. Rather, acts as a hinge, allowing the material to swing open and shut. The surgeon then uses the door created to access the spinal canal and remove the tumor, as well as to inspect the other tissue for health. Once removed, the door is “propped open” with a wedge to ensure that compression does not return.
  • Laminotomy – In a laminotomy, the surgeon creates an open window rather than a door. The surgeon will remove the tumor(s) from the spinal canal. The material removed is lost, and there is a longer period of healing required with this type of surgery.

Recovery from Tumor Resection

Recovery time for the resection of spinal tumors is longer than for other types of spinal surgery. You will be admitted for a couple of days for observation to ensure that the wound is healing properly. You will most likely be required to wear a brace/collar for a period of time after discharge.

To learn more about tumor resection procedures or other types of spinal surgery, contact Dr. Chetan Patel at AdventHealth Medical Group Spine Health. Call Call407-303-5452 to make a consultation appointment.