Scoliosis correction is achieved through spinal surgery. During the procedure, the curved sections of the spine are straightened and fused if necessary. Hardware and bone grafts are used to facilitate fusion of the corrected areas. While not all scoliosis sufferers will require surgical correction, it is necessary for those whose spinal curves continue to worsen, and spines that curve more than 45-degrees also require surgical treatment. For more information about scoliosis correction or to discuss your options, contact Dr. Chetan Patel at AdventHealth Medical Group Spine Health by calling Call407-303-5452.

Nonsurgical Treatment First

All surgeons will recommend that a patient undergo nonsurgical treatment to correct scoliosis before recommending surgery. Surgical treatment is always a last resort. Nonsurgical treatment options can include several different solutions, and Dr. Chetan Patel may recommend any of the following:

  • Aerobic weight bearing exercises
  • Physical therapy
  • Spinal mobilization techniques
  • Chiropractic treatments

All recommendations will be made only after a full evaluation of the patient’s spinal condition and general physical health and condition.

How Does Surgical Scoliosis Correction Work?

Scoliosis correction through surgery can take several forms. The posterior approach, while not as frequently used, still plays a role in medicine. However, side and frontal approaches have become more popular, particularly with laparoscopic techniques (lateral and anterior procedures). After a battery of x-rays and CT scans, the surgeon will recommend the procedure that offers the best results with the least invasiveness and the shortest recovery time.

Regardless of whether the surgeon decides to use a posterior, lateral or anterior approach, the essence of the surgery remains the same. The surgeon will attempt to straighten the curves in the patient’s spine by using hardware and bone grafts. Graft material can be taken from several locations, including the patient’s hip and from the spine itself. There are also graft alternative options available (genetically engineered proteins) that can offer benefits.

The hardware will hold the spine straight while the grafted material fuses to the existing bone. Fused spinal sections become solid and immovable – there is no flexion in these joints. This ensures that the vertebras are not able to twist and curve out of alignment. The number of vertebra fused together will vary from patient to patient. However, Dr. Chetan Patel attempts to fuse only the minimum number of vertebra necessary to correct the patient’s scoliosis. Doing so helps to ensure that the patient still enjoys spine mobility.

Recovery Time for Scoliosis Correction

The amount of time required for recovery from this procedure will vary considerably from one patient to another. The number of vertebra fused, the amount of hardware installed and the location of the donor bone graft will all play a role in determining just how long recovery takes. However, patients can expect to spend more time recovering from scoliosis correction than patients undergoing less extensive spinal surgeries.

To learn more about scoliosis correction or your treatment alternatives to spinal surgery, contact Dr. Chetan Patel at AdventHealth Medical Group Spine Health. Call Call407-303-5452 to make an appointment to discuss your spine health.