Find Lasting Relief With Aquablation Therapy

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If you’re experiencing the signs of an enlarged prostate, it helps to know what you’re dealing with so you can take the next step toward lasting relief. Our urology expert, Tony Highshaw, MD is here to help you understand more about what it means to have an enlarged prostate and walk you through a minimally invasive treatment option called aquablation therapy.

What Is an Enlarged Prostate?

According to Dr. Highshaw, “An enlarged prostate is a common side effect of aging for many men. This change can begin around age 40 and by age 60, about half of men will experience it.”

While an enlarged prostate typically doesn’t cause major issues, some men may have trouble sleeping due to frequent nighttime trips to the bathroom. Other urinary issues, such as difficulty fully emptying the bladder, can also occur.

For moderate to severe cases, surgery or laser procedures to remove obstructive tissue are the traditional treatment options. Although effective, these methods carry risks, such as erectile dysfunction, due to the use of heat.

Dr. Highshaw explains, “One option to reduce risks is called aquablation therapy, a minimally invasive robotic technique that uses heat-free technology to precisely remove tissue without any physical incision.”

Are you experiencing discomfort from an enlarged prostate? Dr. Highshaw can perform this minimally invasive procedure.

What Is BPH?

The prostate is a ping-pong ball-sized gland that makes a fluid that forms part of semen. The prostate surrounds the urethra, the tube that carries urine out of the bladder.

“The technical term for an enlarged prostate is benign prostatic hyperplasia, or BPH. While it’s not cancerous, it can still cause problems,” says Dr. Highshaw.

Dr. Highshaw points out some of the complications that can arise from BPH, including:

  • Blood in urine or semen
  • Difficulty urinating and weak stream
  • Dribbling of urine
  • Frequent pain or stiffness in the lower back, hips, pelvic or rectal area or upper thighs
  • Frequent urge to urinate
  • Need to urinate many times at night

“These symptoms could also indicate prostate cancer, so it’s important to get them evaluated. Even if cancer is ruled out, you may still want to seek relief from your symptoms and that’s where aquablation can make a difference,” Dr. Highshaw states.

How Does Aquablation Work?

So, how does aquablation work? Its name hints at the technique: It merges “aqua,” meaning water, with “ablation,” which refers to the removal of tissue through surgery.

The procedure begins by creating a precise map of the treatment area using high-resolution ultrasound images. Aquablation is unique in that it’s the sole method allowing surgeons to have a complete view of the prostate throughout the treatment.

With this customized map the surgeon uses a robotic system to direct a waterjet specifically to the targeted tissue.

The treatment is designed to match the individual size of each prostate. The entire procedure typically takes under an hour and its minimal side effects have made it a popular alternative to traditional surgery.

The robot operates autonomously once its programmed, carrying out the treatment swiftly and with precision –the waterjet phase takes just about five minutes. The longest part of the process involves capturing images and determining which tissue(s) to remove. Each procedure varies depending on the prostate’s size and its position.

Aquablation is a suitable option for most men with enlarged prostates, though it’s not advised for men with prostate cancer or other certain bladder conditions.

Since aquablation treatment is relatively new, it includes a one-night hospital stay for observation.

Helping You Return to Whole Health

While an enlarged prostate isn’t life-threatening, our focus is on whole-person health, and we prioritize concerns about quality of life. Aquablation offers relief without risks associated with traditional surgery.

Connect with us to schedule an appointment with Dr. Highshaw today. You deserve to feel whole.

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