How to End Your Weight Loss Struggle for Good

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If you are struggling with your weight, you are not alone. In fact, you are among a band of other women who experience the same challenges day after day, year after year.

Diets. Supplements. Books. Articles. Chats with friends. We are all faced with messages of the latest trends and fads that promise weight-loss and happiness. But most of these quick fixes cant truly bring long-lasting weight-loss. Because forever weight-loss takes a team who can personalize a plan that helps you make achieving a healthy weight your lifestyle for life.

And that's exactly what you'll find with AdventHealth's New Day, New Way program.

The six-month New Day, New Way program is designed to help people who have tried various diets and exercise programs but have been unable to keep the weight off. Utilizing a unique, personalized, multidisciplinary approach, this comprehensive weight management system is backed by a care team of medical experts to help you accomplish your complete health and wellness goals using a body, mind and spirit approach.

New Day, New Way is designed to not only help you achieve weight loss, but to attain a life-long healthy mindset. It ties in coaching and counseling to help you make positive lifestyle changes, removes potential barriers from getting in your way and encourages a positive outlook by promoting compassion and understanding.

New Day, New Way is an Excellent Option for Patients Who Struggle With:

  • Losing abdominal fat
  • Craving sweets or carbohydrates daily
  • Feeling sleepy after eating, or shaky after going without food for several hours
  • A family history of diabetes or escalating levels of obesity in parents, siblings or children

What to Expect From the New Day, New Way Program

The programs dedicated specialists will do comprehensive medical evaluations to assess your current health and any reasons that might contribute to your weight struggle, such as hormonal imbalances or diabetes. From there, they develop a personalized plan, bringing in each of their experts in areas that can include (but are not limited to) exercise, nutrition, endocrinology and emotional support. With individual counseling and access to a team of experts, the goal is to give you all of the knowledge and tools you need to succeed.

How New Day, New Way Can Help You

Nutritional Support

What you eat is intended to nourish the body, mind and spirit. And that's why a personalized (and realistic) nutrition plan is a key pillar of the New Day, New Way program. The programs comprehensive One-On-One Nutrition Assessment and Counseling Includes:

  • A thorough review of your Nutrition Assessment Form, medical history, labs, food diary, likes/dislikes, any factors that may influence your nutrition such as sleep, stress, time, finances, family responsibilities, etc.
  • A personalized method of meal planning that suits your lifestyle to best maximize your weight loss
  • Collaborative short-term and long-term goal development followed by practical and tailored strategies to achieve them

Behavioral Assessment

Change isn't easy for anyone. And its no wonder that making big changes to your diet and lifestyle require a little extra support. That's why we offer One-On-One Behavioral Health Counseling, which includes:

  • A review of current behavior patterns relating to eating, exercise, and other health habits
  • Identifying potential weight loss barriers and personalizing actionable ways to be successful
  • Recommendations for a tailored plan of emotional and/or spiritual support


Getting moving on getting active is important in achieving a healthy weight, but no exercise program is fit for every person. That's why the One-on-One Exercise Specialist visit with the New Day New Way program includes:

  • A Fitness Assessment and Individualized Exercise Prescription provided by an exercise specialist
  • An individualized, practical and effective exercise plan
  • Recommendations for personal ways to incorporate exercise to be successful with weight loss

Ongoing Support

Providing a stack of papers with a diet and exercise plan isn't the way of New Day, New Way. It's about supporting and nurturing you along your entire journey. That's why we keep in close touch with:

  • Monthly appointments to check body composition measurements
  • Monthly Lifestyle Education Classes led by a member of your care team discussing whole-person health with a focus on weight management and glucose control, if living with diabetes

Resource for Pre-Diabetes

The New Day, New Way program can help patients with pre-diabetes, which is also referred to as insulin resistance. Pre-diabetes is a condition in which the body becomes less able to utilize the insulin produced by the pancreas. This resistance, which develops in one out of every three American adults, results in a higher requirement of circulating insulin in order to maintain normal levels of glucose. In some people, insulin resistance can lead to difficulty losing weight. The good news? Many times, people with pre-diabetes can prevent diabetes with comprehensive, life-changing health programs like New Day, New Way.

Take Charge of Your Care

If you are ready to end your weight-loss struggle for good, don't wait to make this positive change for your health. Begin your journey with us. Visit the New Day New Way website to request an appointment or call us at Call407-303-2720.

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