Work Life

Healing Through Job Creation

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Have you ever walked out of a job interview wishing you could have a second chance? Our food service department is giving our neighbors that opportunity through a new hiring initiative.

Changing the rules of hiring

After noticing entry-level position applicants were having a hard time passing the initial screening process because they were unfamiliar with basic hiring and application requirements such as having a resume or knowing how to do a job interview recruiters decided to do something about it.
We are going into communities and giving people a little extra help, said Daniel Martinez, talent manager at AdventHealth Nutritional Services. Instead of testing applicants on their skills, we are first helping them find their full potential to land the job they want.
The new hiring initiative consists of a two-day event for this unique population. The first day is a boot-camp where applicants receive basic interview tips and practice with recruiters. The second day is when the job interviews are conducted.
In the last year, Nutritional Services recruiters have taken this new job fair format to communities such as Bithlo, Parramore, and Eatonville, from which dozens of people have been hired.
We stopped saying: 'Sorry, you are not good enough' and we started to say, 'Here's what we are looking for and this is how you need to prepare for it,' said Martinez. It has allowed us to bring new talent to our organization and to transform lives.

They set you up for success

After being laid off, Louis Morales spent months looking for a job. He applied to several places and attended numerous interviews, but they always left him feeling the same way: discouraged.
They made me feel uncomfortable they asked so many questions that I felt they were digging too much, as if they wanted to find something negative about me, said Morales.
After chasing opportunities for so long, something unexpected happened. He received a phone call inviting him to the job fair that was going to be held in Bithlo.
I didn't know what to expect, it was very different to all the interviews I had done in the past, said Morales. When I walked out of the event I felt blessed: I left with a job offer.
Morales is now one of the chefs at the Bistro Cafe in AdventHealth East Orlando.
I think this is a good concept, said Morales. It shows they want to give everyone an opportunity and they want to see them succeed.

To learn more about AdventHealth's Nutritional Services department and employment opportunities visit our website.

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