Join Us for the 4th Annual Orlando Live EUS Event

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This September marks our 4th annual Live Endoscopic Ultrasound Seminar (EUS) event aimed at providing comprehensive education in endosonography, open to all gastroenterologists, fellows-in-training, general surgeons, oncologists, allied health professionals and nurses. From Sept. 7-9, 2016, participants will have access to live in-person demonstrations and a hands-on lab, utilizing state of the art technology as experts demonstrate the latest medical techniques.

The seminar will consist of six key components: diagnostic examinations, cytopathology interface, interventional procedures, hands-on workshops, didactic sessions and a self-assessment examination, led by Shyam Varadarajulu, MD and Robert Hawes, MD. The presentations will include how to identify worrisome pancreatic cysts, laser endomicroscopy, and EUS-guided drainage of pancreatic fluid.

If you’re interested in joining us for Orlando Live EUS 2016, visit our registration page below or call Call407-233-3436 for more information. Make sure to visit our website or follow us on our Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn pages for updates and photos throughout the event!

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