Is a Remote Conference Right for You?

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Hosting a conference, medical training seminar or CME course requires extensive planning and careful preparation to ensure the strategy you choose is right for your audience. Whether your conference is in-person with hands-on wet labs or broadcasted online with specialized experts, it is important to take the time to decide which method will most effectively deliver your message.

As wireless capabilities continue to develop, remote conferences have gained popularity as an option to reach a widespread audience. While teleconferences have their advantages, there may also be a time when an old-fashioned, face-to-face meeting is more effective and efficient. We’ve developed a list of pros and cons when it comes to hosting a remote conference for you and your company to reference as you venture into your next event.


  • Cost – When you evaluate the aspects of an in-person conference, it’s easy to see how a remote event may be more cost-effective for both you and your attendees. Attendees will save time and money by not booking a flight, transportation and a hotel. You will save money on any refreshments you would have provided, and any conference space you would need to book for the event. It is important to determine your budget in the initial stages of planning.
  • Availability – Broadcasting your conference opens it up to a much wider audience than if it were held in-person. Many broadcasting services easily connect you internationally, so geographic location doesn’t serve as a barrier for attendees.
  • Access to Experts – It may be easier to attract experts in the field, if you remove the traveling barriers. By providing the opportunity to speak virtually you will increase your national and international faculty for your event, thus improving credibility.
  • Flexibility – The adaptable nature of a virtual event makes it easier to determine a time, the number of participants and a general schedule. Plus, it appeals to attendees who have a fuller calendar in need of a more flexible option. Another option that a remote conference or a remote event offers is video recording. This will give attendees the ability to go back and watch the event at a later time, extending your reach for the event.


  • Interaction – As far as broadcasting has come, it’s still tough to beat the educational value of face-to-face interaction. If your topic is rather complex and involves hands-on learning, stick to a traditional conference or course. Remote events are generally best when the subject matter can be easily taught verbally and visually, rather than physically.
  • Formatting – As with all technology, interruptions and transmission issues are possible. If you do decide to hold a remote conference, make sure you have a troubleshooting team available in the event a technical issue arises.
  • Lack of Team Training – If your event requires team building exercises or any action where attendees must work together, a virtual conference is not the best option. There are still opportunities for interactivity between guests in a remote conference, but it is not conducive for an extensive team training environment.

Regardless of the training/conference method you choose, a large amount of logistical planning will need to go into the process. If you need assistance deciding on a conference medium as well as getting everything set up before, during and after the event, contact us. We can help make your event as seamless and effective as possible.

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