Praise for PlantWise
"Best plant-based film out there. Arresting, energizing, and deeply moving."
- Hans Diehl, DrHS, MPH
“This hard-hitting, captivating film can totally transform your health.”
- Chef AJ, Bestselling Author and Host of Chef AJ Live
“They say 'reality bites.' This film shows how your reality is determined by the bites you take.”
- Chef Mark Anthony, TV Chef, Author
“Inspiring and meaningful. Exactly what people should see!”
-T. Colin Campbell, PhD, Co-author of The China Study and The Future of Nutrition
“PlantWise is an evidence-based blueprint for reclaiming your health. Watch it. Share it.”
- Brenda Davis, RD, Plant-Based Pioneer, Author, Speaker
“This film should air in every hospital room in America!”
- Rip Esselstyn, Author of The Engine 2 Diet and Plant-Strong
“One of the best films ever made on healthy eating!”
- Mark Finley, TV Host, Speaker, Author
"A first-class documentary revealing a path to freedom, healing, and wholeness."
- Derek Morris, President, Hope Channel International
"Everybody in the world needs to see this. Everybody."
- Jeremy Dixon, Author & TV Presenter: Revive Cafe Cookbooks, Cook:30 TV Program & Cookbooks
"PlantWise demonstrates this truth: Eat plants, change your life. It really is that simple."
- Julieanna Hever, MS, RD, CPT, The Plant-Based Dietitian, Author of The Choose You Now Diet, Podcaster