AdventHealth Georgia hosts legislative dinner with local delegation

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Georgia Legislative Dinner
(From left to right): Former Senator Jeff Mullis, Matt Sawhill, principal of Sawhill Strategic Partners, Chris Self, president and CEO of AdventHealth Gordon and AdventHealth Murray, Representative Eddie Lumsden, Representative Matt Barton, Representative Katie Dempsey, Representative Trey Kelley, Representative Jason Ridley, Isaac Sendros, president and CEO of AdventHealth Redmond, Scotty Hancock, director of business development and EMS for AdventHealth Georgia, and Senator Chuck Payne.

We had the pleasure of hosting a legislative dinner with our local delegation from Georgia to discuss the priorities that will shape 2025 and beyond for AdventHealth Georgia. It was a wonderful evening of collaboration and fellowship, guided by voices dedicated to making a positive impact in our communities. Thank you to everyone who joined us to make this evening memorable and meaningful!

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