7 Tips for Taking Healthy Nutrition on the Road

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Summer is a great time to travel, see new sights, and enjoy time off with loved ones. Yet, travel schedules can wreak havoc on healthy habits you've worked so hard to adopt. With a few simple tips below from Florida Hospitals Center for Nutritional Excellence, traveling doesn't have to be a vacation from good health and nutrition.

  1. Pack Food. Whether traveling by car or airplane, packing food can put good-for-you goodies at your fingertips. For automobile travel, bring a cooler packed with whole-wheat sandwiches, fruit, Greek yogurt, nuts, raw vegetables, low-fat cheese sticks, and lots of water. Packing for air travel is a little tougher, but still manageable. Great air travel foods include peanut butter sandwiches, homemade trail mix, apples, protein bars, and air-popped popcorn.

  2. Do Your Research. Before heading out to eat, research available restaurants and menu options. Use your smartphone to look up menus and calorie counts. Taking a look at the menu beforehand can help you make a better, more informed choice.

  3. Gluten-Free Guide. If you have celiac disease or gluten intolerances, travel can cause anxiety about finding the foods your body needs. One resource that can make it easier to find gluten-free restaurants before you travel is The Essential Gluten-Free Restaurant Guide (2011).

  4. Share Entrees. It's no secret that restaurant portions are huge. Split your meal with a travel buddy to save calories and keep your portion sizes under control.

  5. Choose your treat. Vacations can be a time to indulge and enjoy. It's okay to celebrate with ice cream or your favorite dessert, but don't over-do it. Pick a treat and stick to having just one per day.

  6. H20 to Go. Air travel can be dehydrating. Aim to have 8 oz of water for every hour in the air. Dehydration can also make you feel hungry, which can lead to excessive snacking.

  7. Stock Your Hotel Room. Once you've reached your destination, take time to fill your hotel room with healthy snacks. Buy bottled water, fruits, nuts, and some whole grain crackers to snack on in your room. Did you know that you can make oatmeal in most hotel rooms? Buy packets of instant oatmeal and use your hotels coffee maker to get hot water. Pour oatmeal and hot water into a mug, stir, and enjoy.

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