Peter Mikhail, MD

Peter Mikhail, MD

Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, General Surgery

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Expertise of Peter Mikhail, MD

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Make an appointment with Peter Mikhail, MD at AdventHealth now, find contact information and more. Your AdventHealth team is dedicated to providing whole-person care that heals your body, strengthens your mind and lifts your spirit. You deserve to feel whole.
Areas Served
New Port Richey, FL
Languages Spoken

McGill University Faculty Of Medicine


University of Florida

General - University of Toronto

Board Certification

Thoracic Surgery (Cardiothoracic Vascular Surgery): The American Board of Thoracic Surgery

Ages Accepted
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Question: What locations does Peter Mikhail, MD practice at?
Answer: Peter Mikhail, MD practices at New Port Richey at 7657 Cita Ln, New Port Richey, FL, 34653. Learn more about Peter Mikhail, MD at AdventHealth.
Question: What is Peter Mikhail, MD's specialty?
Answer: Peter Mikhail, MD specializes in Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery and General Surgery. Learn more about Peter Mikhail, MD at AdventHealth.
Question: What conditions does Peter Mikhail, MD treat?
Answer: Peter Mikhail, MD treats the following conditions: Appendectomy, Appendix, Cardiovascular, Gall Bladder, Gallbladder Surgery, Gastrointestinal Surgery, Inguinal Hernia Repair, Laser Therapy for Varicose Veins, Liver Surgery, Lung Surgery, Spleen Surgery, Splenectomy, Stomach Surgery (Gastrectomy) and Surgical Specialists. Learn more about Peter Mikhail, MD at AdventHealth.
Question: What health services does Peter Mikhail, MD provide?
Answer: Peter Mikhail, MD provides Heart and Vascular Care services. Learn more about Peter Mikhail, MD at AdventHealth.