Live Life Scholarships Awarded to Clay County High School Students in 2018

Erika Skula, CEO/President of Manchester Memorial Hospital (MMH) presented three Clay County High School (CCHS) students with their Live Life scholarships on May 30, 2018. The Live Life Scholarship Fund was created to help jumpstart college education for students in their senior year, who wished to pursue their dream of entering the field of healthcare.

Students were asked to submit an essay on why they wanted to enter the medical/healthcare field, along with fulfilling other criteria, like having school attendance in the 90th percentile and a minimum GPA of 3.0. The selection was done by a committee and was completely unbiased and blind.

Five students were selected for the year 2017-2018, out of which three successfully completed 200 volunteer hours at the hospital, spread throughout the school year. We are pleased to recognize and award students who have worked hard for their scholastic achievements, said Erika Skula, CEO of the hospital. We look forward to rewarding deserving students again this year with funds that will help them in their college career.

We are very proud of Alexie Bishop, Alexis Gibson and Raylee Partin for completing their scholarship period with us at MMH. They were a big help in facilitating our CREATION Life Patient Experience program on the floors, said Hurriyat Ghayyur, director of marketing at MMH.

Apart from securing a $1,000 scholarship, the students availed other priceless benefits as well like: the students potential to teach others beyond MMH, in college, medical school, and other professionals in the health field, about CREATION Life and its preventative health principles; and the potential for those students to further their career through networking and making important connections, receiving advice and guidance by health professionals within MMH. We hope to, one day, see these students come back to serve the community and carry out the hospitals mission.

For more information on the Live Life Scholarship, log onto AdventHealth Manchester.

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