Clay County Residents Get Fit with Summer Fitness and Nutrition Program

MANCHESTER, Ky., AdventHealth led another successful Summer Fitness and Nutrition Program this year for the residents of Clay County.

Over the course of the program, CCSFNP saw 40+ unique participants, with an average of 15-20 per session. Participants lost a total of 24.99% weight as a group. “I look forward to this program every year and enjoy it thoroughly,” said a participant.

Summer Fitness is a free 8-week program for people in Clay County aged 16 and up. This program is designed to get Clay countians active through a variety of different physical exercises and provide lessons about health and wellness.

This year, Summer Fitness was held every Tuesday and Thursday from 5:30 to 6:30pm at the Clay County Middle School. The first day of class participants were given an initial screening and written test to gauge where they ranked on nutrition and wellness. The screening included body weight, body mass index, and body fat percentage, while the test covered material pertaining to nutrition.

We would like to thank Clay County Board of Education, Clay County Family Resource and Youth Services Center for partnering with us on this project, and trainer, Tammy Jones.

To celebrate program success and the hard work amongst participants, AdventHealth Manchester catered a meal for all the participants and gave them t-shirts as a parting gift. The Clay County Family Resource and Youth Services Center also gave away a basket filled with fitness gear to top winners. For more information on our community events, please visit our website at