Thomas Shimshak, MD, FACC, FASCAI, FACP
Interim Program Director, Interventional Cardiologist
- Bachelor of Science, University of Wisconsin, Madison
- Doctor of Medicine - Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
- Internal Medicine Residency -Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
- Fellowship, Cardiovascular Disease - Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
- Advanced Angioplasty Fellowship - Mid America Heart Institute, Kansas City, MO
Board Certification: Internal Medicine, Cardiovascular Diseases
Areas of Interest:
- Coronary and peripheral vascular disease
- Contemporary catheter-based imaging and intervention
- Physician education and training, clinical research

Deepti Bhandare, MD, FACC
Associate Program Director, Cardiologist
- Doctor of Medicine, Goa Medical College, India
- Internal Medicine Residency, Wayne State University/Detroit Medical Center
- Fellowship in Cardiovascular Medicine, Wayne State University/Detroit Medical Center
Board Certification: Internal Medicine, Cardiovascular Disease
Areas of Interest
- Clinical Cardiology
- Non-invasive Cardiac Imaging
- Heart Failure

Philip Wong, MD, FACP, FACC
Associate Program Director, Pulmonology and Critical Care Medicine
- Bachelor of Science, St. Louis University, Baguio City, Philippines
- Doctor of Medicine, St. Louis University, Baguio City, Philippines
- Fellowship, Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Memorial Sloan Kettering-Cancer Center, The
- Weil Medical College of Cornell University, New York
Board Certification: Internal Medicine, Sleep Medicine, Critical Care Medicine, Pulmonary Medicine
Areas of Interest: Pulmonary and critical care medicine, Sleep disorders, Physician education and training
Email: Philip.wong@adventhealth.com

Pankajkumar Patel, MD
Core Faculty, SEC - Gastroenterology
- Doctor of Medicine, St. George's University School of Medicine/Grenada c/o North American Correspondent
- Fellowship, Gastroenterology, Winthrop University Hospital, Mineola, NY
Board Certification: Gastroenterology
Areas of Interest: Gastroenterological diseases

Shahnaz Punjani, MD, FACC
Interventional Cardiologist
- Medical Degree, DMC/Civil Hospital, Karachi, Pakistan
- Internal Medicine, St. Barnabas Hospital, Bronx, NY
- Fellowship, Cardiovascular Disease, Yale New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT
- Fellowship, Echocardiography, Yale New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT
- Fellowship, Preventive Cardiology, Warren Alpert Medical School at Brown University, Providence, RI
- Interventional Fellowship, St. Vincent Hospital, Worcester, MA
- Endovascular Peripheral Fellowship, First Coast Cardiovascular Institute, Jacksonville, FL
Board Certification: Internal Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, Interventional Cardiology
Areas of Interest: Coronary and peripheral vascular disease and contemporary catheter-based therapy
Heart failure, Preventive cardiology, Cardiovascular disease in women, Physician education and training

Luis Duharte-Vidaurre, MD
Core Faculty, SEC - Infectious Disease
SEC – Infectious Diseases
- Medical Degree, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Internal Medicine, Veterans Affairs Medical Center, San Juan, Puerto Rico
- Fellowship, Veterans Affairs Medical Center, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Areas of Interest: Infectious Diseases, COVID pandemic

Fernando Abanilla, MD, FASN
Core Faculty, SEC - Nephrology
- Bachelor of Science, University of the Philippines, Iloilo City, Philippines
- Doctor of Medicine, Cebu Institute of Medicine, Philippines
- Internal Medicine, New York Medical College, Bronx, NY
- Fellowship, University of South Florida College of Medicine, Tampa, FL
Board Certification: Internal Medicine, Nephrology, Clinical Hypertension
Areas of Interest: Internal Medicine, Kidney disease and hypertension
Email: Fernandoaanilla@yahoo.com

Alexander Torres, MD
Core Faculty, SEC - Rheumatology
- Medical Degree, University of Saint Eustatius School of Medicine, Netherlands Antilles
- Internal Medicine, Maricopa Integrated Health System/Maricopa Medical Center, University Hospitals Case Medical Center, Cleveland, OH
- Fellowship, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine Center, Cleveland, OH
Board Certification: Internal Medicine, Rheumatology
Areas of Interest: Rheumatologic diseases

Mahender Yellu, MD
Core Faculty, SEC - Hematology/Oncology
- BMBS, NTR University of Health Services, Seebad, India
- Doctor of Medicine, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY
- Internal Medicine Residency, St. John’s Episcopal Hospital, Far Rockaway, NY
- Fellowship, Medical Oncology, University of Cincinnati Hospital, Cincinnati, OH
Board Certification: Internal Medicine, Medical Oncology
Areas of Interest: Hematologic diseases and medical oncology
Email: Mahender.Yellu@flcancer.com